Helpp smokey eye?


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As much I practise and read up about a smokey eye I can never get it right meh :/ any ideals like I did this look yesturday and am not even sure if it a smokey eye or wah it looks weird to me ughh ideals guys hahha.

This photo shows it better

May 24, 2014

Breeze T.

It looks good! For it to be a true smokey eye, the eyelid should be the darkest part of your makeup. Next time, try pairing it with a nude lip. Red looks awesome too :)

May 24, 2014

Hannah K.

Here's a picture of a smokey eye for you :) just make sure that you're putting the darkest color all over your lid, a midtone color in your crease, and the lightest shade under your brow bone. Absolutely feel free to ask Jacqueline, as she's amazing at explaining :)

May 24, 2014

Hannah K.

It refused to attach the picture.

Awww ok thank you il try that next time :):) thank you for the advise guyss dno why I can't get it right it honesty annoys my happiness haahha

Hannah you explained it very well!! ❤️

Breeze t thank you yess deffs completely agree with you on the nude lip and thank you for explaining it to me
