What's your favorite beauty magazine??


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Jan 22, 2014

Lisa M.

Yay! I got my Marie Claire & Elle today!! Even with my Nook & Smartphone & laptop (when we have wifi hooked up) there is just no substitute for hard copy magazines & books!! For me, it will be a sad sad day if hard copies become a thing of the past!! There's nothing like feeling the pages when turning them, the smell of the ink of a newspaper & the remarkable beauty that artists put into covers of some books, the leather work is amazing on some! But, there's an actual point to this post other than the possible extinction of books & mags. What are some of your favorite beauty magazines? Other than my curiosity I'd like you alls opinion as to which magazines are the best? For product reviews, makeup & hair how to's, trends, articles on beauty & the industry in general. Not just ads & pics of clothes that are so expensive most average to above average income households would have to take out a second mortgage on their homes to afford one article of the outfit! Just real BEAUTY mags! Although not one that came today, Allure is my fav!! What's your favs??

Jan 22, 2014

Traci L.

I love Allure too but my favorite one is New Beauty its packed with good info and it's huge but it only comes out 4 times a year I think

Jan 22, 2014

Tara G.

Allure is my favorite but I stopped buying it when Kevyn passed away. I should start getting it again I just looked forward to his articles so much that every time saw it after I just felt like something was missing it lost it's sparkle for a while. I think ill pick one up today though. Thanks for this topic Lisa.

Jan 22, 2014

Tara G.

Ooh ill look for that one Traci.

Jan 22, 2014

Shelley W.

Allure, WWD Beauty edition, Spa News, New Beauty.

Jan 22, 2014

Traci L.

You will love it Tara and now I feel like reading one lol your right Lisa there's nothing like a good magazine.

Jan 22, 2014

Lisa M.

Awww.. I'm so glad to have inspired you all to want to sit back & relax with a good magazine! Its such a peaceful break from such a fast paced world! To me, reading, especially about something I love so much is the absolute best relaxation. It takes ones mind off of any stresses. That's why most people get so sleepy while reading! So, lets all have some relaxation today, curled up all warm & cozy in some comfy clothes with a mag. Even if you have to work or have something to do...@ some point today take a break! I know you ladies more than deserve it!  Xoxo

Jan 22, 2014

Amanda V.

Here here!! I love the smell of magazines and books, is that weird? Lol I have been subscribed to Allure since I was in high school! It's been over 10 years! And recently have been loving Byrdie online...and I can't wait to check out the other mags you ladies mentioned :)

Jan 22, 2014

Emily F.

I love Allure, and also am a huge fan of New Beauty magazine. I just subscribed to get their "beauty test tube" and it should come in the next 2-3 weeks, I am so excited to try it out!

Jan 22, 2014

Amanda V.

Emily, what is their "beauty test tube?!?!"

Jan 22, 2014

Traci L.

Its like a birch box its a tube filled with products for you to try some full size or some trial size.

Jan 22, 2014

Lori C.

Allure is still my fave but I also get In style and glamour. I should check out new beauty. I've got a lot of time on my hands right now being bed bound.

Jan 22, 2014

Shushoni C.

Ah, the good old days before everything went techy..
Well my friend, I think you have the best coming to you already! They're the most consistently covering hair, makeup and beauty anyway.
I've picked up others that I thought "wow" and then I get the next issue and it sucks..

I used to like Nylon.. However, they now are appealing to a younger crowd.

The red book at least once a year has coverage on beauty buys..

Dressed to kill around Christmas has a huge section on beauty - but this mag is filled with those outfits that only stars can afford (and even they cringe at the prices!)

I'm going to try and get my hands on a copy of this "new beauty" never heard of it.. Now I'm on the hunt..

I love magazines! No data, little cost, something to go back to for ideas!!
Reminiscing of the good old days..
Lisa, your a genius!! Lol

Oh, LouLou has fairly good content.. But it is a Canadian mag..

Jan 22, 2014

Marleen B.

1. Allure
2. Glamour
3. Marie Claire
4. Lucky

Jan 22, 2014

Lisa M.

Yeah I'm on the hunt for this "New Beauty" now myself!! You know, Shushoni I only giggled my friend because I'm finding the same thing happening to me! When you said "I used to like Nylon..however, they now are appealing to a younger crowd" Lol.. Now, are they appealing now to a younger crowd OR..(I say this with much love!)..OR are you maturing & the same things aren't as appealing?? I've always been that girl saying "Ill never get old mentally! Ill still be rockin the newest trends, listening to the new music, with tatts, piercings & a pink mowhawk when I'm 80!!" Then somewhere along the line "it" starts happening..you'll oneday look at your partner or best friend & go "You know? This is how it begins. This is where we start becoming our grandparents!" Its so funny cause Ill even catch myself saying the same sh*t! "When I was your age..." or "Back in the day..." Lol.. You can fight it tooth & nail & it sneaks up on ya & in my case just might startle you into an anxiety attack!! I laugh about it now as I find myself rubber necking kids walking down the road thinking to myself "WTH?" Lol.. or when I just REFUSE to convert all my music to MP3! Where's all the kick as* album art? Digitally done...fewy I say proudly!! But yes...(The good old days) I love them so <3

Jan 22, 2014

Lisa M.

& Amanda, I second your "Here here" Not weird @ all! If it is..which I refuse to label out be labled! But if its "weird" in "societies" eyes then I'm a weirdo right along with ya girl!!

Jan 22, 2014

Lisa M.

Oh yeah & Lori...perfect time to just pile the bed up with beauty mags! Reading makes time fly by too..before you know it you'll be back @ it!!

Jan 22, 2014

Mylene L.

I love beauty mags on papers or tablet/computer. But I love to travel with my tablet anywhere. Handy and practical. I can even bring it at work and put it in my small purse unlike the paper one. I love Instyle, Glamour, Allure, Vogue and etc. I even love my Nordstrom mags.

Jan 23, 2014

Regina B.

I am currently getting Allure and Glamour which was a promotion from ULTA that I decided to not cancel. But I have to comment on the Nook thing Lisa. High-five to you for being a fellow Nook owner! I freaking love my Nook. I never leave the house without it. :-)

Jan 23, 2014

Gypsy S.

Lisa I'm so with you on the album art, I don't want to see it on a screen..just not the same.
I actually look at tattoo mags for makeup. I have the same style as most of the ladies in them rather than some of the beauty mags. Granted they don't have articles on hair tips and such...but it does give me ideas for my next tat conquest. Which to me is a part of beauty:)

Jan 23, 2014

Traci L.

I am with you on the tattoos Gypsy I have 23 and I love them all.

Jan 23, 2014

Gypsy S.

Hellz yea Traci! :)

Jan 24, 2014

Aru T.

Oh yeah, I understand what you are saying Lisa! I am an engineer and in my work life and to an extend in my personal life, all I work with is machines/technology!! uggghh!! when you read an article in electronic form, I don't know why, but I feel like it reduces your imaginations! believe me when I visited my native this yr (india) I brought a lot of the magazines and books that are only found there!! (not to mention that I have to pay for the extra weight!) :)
nwy sorry for not having much info on beauty magz, just wanted to share my love for paper ;)

Jan 24, 2014

Lisa M.

Awww Aru, no need to apologize! I enjoyed your story reflecting your love for paper<3 I love it too ;-)

Jan 24, 2014

Alma M.

Vogue and Make-up Artist Magazine.I feel it's all I had as a kid and teen years Magazines to explore my love of Makeup and I still continue that.