Makeup Brush Help?!


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Jan 30, 2014

Angelique K.

So I'm going to sound ridiculous..but I have never cleaned my makeup brushes. Ever. I've recently gotten a bad case of acne and I'm thinking it may be because of all the oil and built up makeup on my brushes. My problem is I have no idea how to clean them or what to use. Advice?

Jan 30, 2014

Shannon P.

I use Baby shampoo, it cleans, disinfects, and moisturizes.

Jan 30, 2014

Ashley D.

Baby shampoo, look up some videos for a more detailed description on how to clean them. Its good to clean them once a week but.most people don't do that, I think I'm the only one that OCD about clean brushes.

Jan 30, 2014

Emma S.

Use olive oil and dish soap together. It's cleans but also conditions the brushes!

Jan 30, 2014

Angelique K.

Okay, awesome. Thank you all!

Jan 30, 2014

Elisa N.

I use baby shampoo weekly and sephora daily brush cleaner spray everyday. I highly recommend the sephora brush cleaners because it's a disinfectant and rather inexpensive.

Jan 30, 2014

Isabella K.

I've been using this homemade thing for 2 years now: olive oil, detergent and a little bit of water. The detergent washed and the olive oil moistruizes. Apply hair conditioner to your brushes afterward.

I *sob* ruined my favorite brush by washing it incorrectly. A friend went to the brush makes in japan (She basically studies them!) and came up with the best!! A French soap that smells like Heaven, fast, cleans thoroughly and gently and doesn't leave residue. I found a bar at the heal food store for 6$! Good luck:) Here's the video: