"Chemical" vs Natural


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Jan 30, 2014

Emily W.

I've witnessed a lot of misinformation and fear mongering lately regarding chemicals in products.

"I can't even pronounce these ingredients! I don't want all of these fake chemicals in my products!"

This kind of scientific ignorance is honestly quite depressing. Chemicals ARE natural. Everything on Earth is made of chemical compounds, including your body. When you look at an ingredients label and you see a long scientific-sounding name, that is a natural chemical compound. It may be synthesized in a lab, but it is composed of naturally occurring elements.

Just because something comes from a lab (usually for cost/sanitary reasons in the case of beauty products) does not make it dangerous or unnatural. The majority of ingredients in modern products are completely safe.

Let's end this nonsensical war against chemistry, shall we?

Jan 30, 2014

Emily W.

Images: everydayscientist.com

Jan 30, 2014

Kat A.

good post :)

Jan 30, 2014

Hannah K.

Amen. Thanks so much for this, I'm so sick of people avoiding things that are perfectly fine because of "chemicals."

Jan 30, 2014

Nala H.

I only avoid silicones, sulfates, mineral oil, and parabens. And that's only for my hair. And to be honest, I still use products with mineral oil. Other than that, I don't care lol I've been using products with chemicals for years and I'm still alive and well.

Some people take it too far though. Like Sunkissalba on youtube, she threw out her whole makeup collection to only use "organic natural" makeup 😑

Jan 30, 2014

Hannah K.

Just saying, no such thing as "organic makeup"

Jan 30, 2014

Jennifer S.


Jan 30, 2014

Avishan V.

As a science major and a science fiend, I proclaim my shameless love for this post.

Jan 30, 2014

Nala H.

Lol tell her that.

Jan 30, 2014

Hannah K.

I'll sic Kitty on her, once Kitty went on a rant about how "organic makeup" is a huge oxymoron and it was awesome.

Jan 30, 2014

Emily W.

The responses to this thread are making me so happy, I was expecting a bunch of arguing. @Avishan I am the same way! :D

The entire "organic" product fad is just a marketing ploy... Organic by definition is "derived from living matter". I certainly hope my makeup isn't organic... Eek!

Jan 30, 2014

Hannah K.

Exactly, right?? And preservatives...don't even get me started on how much I hate when people talk about how preservatives are bad for you.

Jan 30, 2014

Lara C.

PREACH!! it makes me laugh. of course there are certain chemicals to avoid but not all ahahahh. I remember when I worked in a body products store some clients would ask if there were chemicals then I'd be like... yeah natural ones. then theyd look at the ingredients and freak out... like shea butter and vegetables have chemical names...

Jan 30, 2014

Caitlin M.

Preach it!! It still blows me away how people remain ignorant to so much when all it takes now to get information is consulting Google. Information is so readily available, it's LITERALLY at our fingertips. There is no excuse for this attitude of "Oh it has a name I can't pronounce so of course it HAS to be an evil and horrific compound that will do me harm." Yet people will still insist that Vaseline makes your eyelashes grow when there's SCIENCE behind why it doesn't and why it actually can be harmful yet no one wants to admit it. Science and Google are our friends and we should use them more often!!.

Jan 30, 2014

Symone B.

This is like my favorite post ❤️

Jan 31, 2014

fall V.

Maybe people are just not informed and that's why they go on sites like this one to learn and acquire new info. :) I like the pictures emily.

Jan 31, 2014

Marilyn O.

Organic ingredients can be used in makeup or personal care products. I am for nontoxic. I try to go as natural as possible. I'm not a chemist. So I can't deem a chemical safe or not. But I dooo know though fda barely, if at all, regulates ingredients. And there is a big discrepancy on what is banned in our products here versus in parts of Europe. Of course that isn't to say that all chemicals aren't safe or are safe. But I try for better safe than sorry. I like to utilize the ewg's skin deep website to see what information they have on it.

Jan 31, 2014

Marilyn O.

And yes products I use have chemicals. Generally ones derived from a natural source. Also I try to eat unprocessed foods. But gah I'm human, I err. I love sweets and easy & cheap food. I try though.

Jan 31, 2014

Nala H.

Silicones coat the hair and don't allow moisture in or out of the hair. So it's appears smooth even it it's dry.

Jan 31, 2014

Kenzie L.

My reaction when people tell me they use "all natural" cosmetics.

Jan 31, 2014

Kenzie L.

Emily W. this was absolutely refreshing on here to read. a lot of people have this misconception that LUSH claims to be an all natural cosmetics line. they only claim to be 100% handmade and cruelty free. they try to use natural and organic ingredients whenever possible but the only products they carry that are actually 100% fresh are their fresh face masks.

Jan 31, 2014

Delaney K.

I work at ulta and people will ask for all natural makeup and I try to explain that it doesn't exist and they look at me like I'm the crazy one that doesn't know anything. Drives me CRAZY!

Jan 31, 2014

Emily W.

Lol @Kenzie! That picture is perfect! I can't shop at LUSH because I can't read the weird font they use and the signage in the store feels like it is screaming at me (it's a bizarre and disturbing feeling). I've heard good things, but I just don't see the hype in expensive soap. *shrug*

@Delaney Oh the joys of working in retail... ;)

Jan 31, 2014

Caitlin M.

I do like the couple things I have from Lush but I definitely am not so hyped about it that I want to run out and buy every single thing they make. And I don't even care that they're "natural" or whatever lol I just like some of the stuff they make and want to try some things I think are neat like the bubble bars or bath bombs.

That picture is great though lol.

Feb 1, 2014

Helena B.

Thank you for this post shout out to all the ladies that educate themselves before blindly following trends!!