Napping/makeup problems. Ladies!


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Jan 31, 2014

Isabel M.

I nap a lot, and when I wake up, I look like... I slept in last nights back alley hooker makeup. What can I do to prevent all this smudging? Nap proof my makeup? Or is it impossible? And do you have this problem too? (probably yes right?) how do you get your makeup back into shape without taking it all off?

Jan 31, 2014

Diana S.

Just get a Q tip, wet it a bit then just clean up the smudged makeup(:

Jan 31, 2014

Mackenzi B.

I find that if I wear a primer naps won't mess up eyeshadow, waterproof eyeshadow and liquid liner are the best. I usually just wet a q tip and gently get rid of smudges.

Jan 31, 2014

Mackenzi B.

Waterproof mascara not eyeshadow lol.

Jan 31, 2014

Kaite P.

I have the same problem -_- I just don't care anymore haha. I usually just they to clean up underneath and reline my waterline.

Jan 31, 2014

Isabel M.

O my glob. Thank you Diana, I am having a day. I don't know why I didn't think of that! I just hate having to redo my makeup and have it come out a hundred times crappier than before..

Jan 31, 2014

Kaite P.


Jan 31, 2014

Hannah K.

Actually I don't have this problem, only sometimes if my eyes tear while I sleep. However, try Almay Makeup Remover q tips :) they're great for fixing smudges and little spots. Also, you look freakin adorable in that picture and I love it! ❤❤

Jan 31, 2014

Isabel M.

Thank you Mackenzi!! I have to get a waterproof mascara , I don't know why I dot. Own one! And haha! @ Katie, I've been walking around my house like this for an hour and no one said a word..

Jan 31, 2014

Isabel M.

Eep 😂Thank you Hannah! I've seen those before, and I've always passed them buy. I should pick them up because I do tend to take surprise naps.. Haha! 😊💚💖

Jan 31, 2014

Diana S.

Lol no problem that happens to me all the time!

Jan 31, 2014

Lisa S.

Yeah use a primer, I like Milani's or Urban Decay. Also waterproof mascara and set you eye makeup with powder right after you do it when you get ready. Its simple I just take a small brush and sweep some pressed powder right under my eye and it makes it last all day, even through naps lol

Jan 31, 2014

Kaite P.

@Isabel, Oh my god haha. Sometimes when I wake up I'll have makeup smeared across my whole face and no one says anything either. It's so embarrassing >.<

Jan 31, 2014

Hannah K.

Lol I'm in college, I'm queen of surprise naps! But yeah, waterproof mascara and a good primer should stop that, and if not definitely the makeup remover q tips :)

Jan 31, 2014

Stephanie S.

That picture us too cute. I have that problem too. everytime I lay my daughter down for a nap I snooze off with her loli just wip it away with a q tip.

Jan 31, 2014

Ariel D.

My issue is more that I wake up with a very artistic looking pillow lol.

Jan 31, 2014

Cassandra M.

That never happens to me. Maybe try a new eyeliner? I use maybelline eyestudio gel liner and my makeup always stays put.

Jan 31, 2014

fall V.

I usually just get very oily not much smudging it might be your eye makeup... naps are awesome.