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Jan 19, 2014

Tori S.

When I watch hair gurus' videos, they talk about not washing your hair for three days. With me, I'm lucky if I can get one. My hair is naturally straight and super frizzy. How can I fix the oily part?

Jan 19, 2014

Renae A.

Use dry shampoo because it's getting rid the the oils but not "washing" it :) batise is a good brand

Jan 19, 2014

Tori S.

I've tried three different types of dry shampoo and it still doesn't work.

Jan 19, 2014

Vidvatta S.

You could try wading out with just water-no shampoo-everyday.and then once or twicea week shampoo.I've tried and yours does help get rid of excess oil.

Jan 19, 2014

Lily C.

Big sexy hair dry shampoo? Its the only one that works on me! I always have oily hair :/

Jan 19, 2014

Vidvatta S.

Washing it*

Jan 19, 2014

Betsy N.

I have the same hair type straight, and super oily. I tried dry shampoo too but it didn't work. So I just stick to what works for me washing it everyday.

Jan 19, 2014

Atlanta R.

Wash and condition your hair with professional products and when styling your hair only use professional products. Shower every day to rinse the products out and use conditioner to help get the dirt out.

Jan 19, 2014

Emily M.

Well it's best not to wash everyday cause it's not that good for your hair. my hair is dry and curly so I can get away with it. but if dry shampoos aren't working, try a diy one? you can google them, a lot of people swear by them. and I think it would work since it would be all natural. good luck.

Jan 19, 2014

Meg J.

I think that if you need to wash it wash it! Don't live your life by what beauty gurus say! They give good tips most of the time but no one has the same hair as anyone else so just do what you think is best for YOUR hair! 😃

Jan 19, 2014

Hannah K.

I agree with Meg. If you need to wash your hair every day, do it. If your hair is healthy, there's nothing wrong with your routine. Beauty "gurus" are usually full of crap. They have good tips sometimes, but they're not the be all end all in the beauty world.

Jan 19, 2014

Katherine T.

Some people need to wash it more often than others! I have oily hair and I have to wash it everyday

Jan 19, 2014

Lisa S.

I wash my hair everyday and my hair looks great, I tried the whole no washing thing and it does not work for my hair. If it works for you do it, who cares what hair gurus say when its working for you.

Jan 19, 2014

Lia L.

Don't believe those things. Not everyone's hair is the same. Like for me if I don't wash my hair every day I drop a lot of hair in the next wash and it looks lifeless, my Dermatologist told me that I have to wash my hair daily to get rid of contamination particles and dead scalp cells. And my hair is super long and it's healty. You just have to take care of it with good shampoos, I use sulfate free shampoo, then out the shower I put some argan oil. Masks once a week.

Jan 19, 2014

Mikayla B.

Wash your hair everyday!

Jan 19, 2014

Mariam A.

If your hair is super oily, than its better if you wash your hair everyday

Jan 19, 2014

Lindsay H.

Instead of using dry shampoo use baby powder it works amazingly and is cheap
And make sure your pillow cases are changed regularly

Jan 19, 2014

Marie Q.

Use a minty shampoo & conditioner. Don't use any heavy moisturizing products. Only shampoo your scalp & only condition your ends. Don't put any conditioner on your scalp

Jan 19, 2014

Olivia G.

Try just getting your hair wet in the shower and then when it dries massage baby powder in your roots

Jan 19, 2014

Kenzie L.

I also wash my hair everyday and I have long and very curly/frizzy hair. everyone has different routines and if your hair and scalp feel and look happy then don't fix what isnt broke :) and I also do what Marie Q does focusing my shampoo on the scalp and conditioner on my ends. I also switch shampoos during different seasons. in winter I actually use a 2 in 1 shampoo and then my regular conditioner and in the summer I use a clarifying shampoo with rosemary and vanilla :)

Jan 19, 2014

Laurie J.

I used to have the exact same problem and to get rid of it all you have too do is just have oily hair for 1-2 days and then your hair won t get oily as fast! I used to wash mine everyday and now I can go 3-4 days without washing it! :) do it for a couple of days and it will no longer be an issue!