Do We Need All The Makeup We Have


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Nov 7, 2012

Amanda E.

lots of people have diffrent amounts of makeup but do we need all of

Nov 7, 2012

Jillian R.

of course none of it is needed. but for many it's a hobby and we enjoy collecting different products and finding ones that work best for us. some people have shoes, purses, watches, instruments, is just another :)

Nov 7, 2012

Yesenia P.

My thought is exactly as Jillian's. it's a hobby. Everyone spends their money on different things. Some people travel, some people read, some people have cars they work on.. I love makeup!!

Nov 7, 2012

Mary P.

It it become a bad habit that will make you BROKE if you can't control yourself. Some ppl have said they will stop buying so much but they never actually stop, just talking out of their ass. Its sad.

As for me, i choose to self control, i'll buy more when i run out of the ones i have. And i always return the products i feel don't work out for me. 

Nov 7, 2012

Courtney B.

I actually don't think we NEED any of it. We need food, water, shelter... Not eyeshadow.
Do most of us use every product we own every day and only buy new things when it's absolutely necessary? Probably not. But it's our hobby, our passion, and in some cases, our livelihood-- so although it's not life or death, I wouldn't want to be without my beauty arsenal!

Nov 7, 2012

Sarah B.

I would rather spend my money on the makeup I love than spend it on going out to eat everyday, money for bars etc.

Nov 7, 2012

Shelley W.

It has become a expensive hobby for me but well worth it. I always tell myself that I need to stop buying but as always I hear or see a new goodie and I gotta have it. As long as my husband doesn't complain and my more important priorities are taken care of (mortgage, bills,insurance,etc) then I'm ok with it 

Nov 7, 2012

Caitlin M.

I feel like I need more...but this is probably only because I'm a kid, out of college for not quite a year yet. I went to a program for all kinds of makeup and now that I have a source of income I'm ready to buy and ready to play! Of course I don't really NEED any of it, but everything in my makeup collection is utilized somewhat regularly, except for things like the foundation set I got in my school kit, which is for jobs when I get them. (and obviously j can't use the ones that aren't my shade lol) My personal collection does not go to waste or sit untouched though :) 

Nov 8, 2012

Avery M.

Need it no. Want it, heck yes. I don't spend an unnecessary amount of money on it however (I did as a teen) but now with two kids at 21 I've stopped buying soo much.

Nov 8, 2012

Melissa F.

Sometimes I would think no because my makeup collection takes up a lot. But I think it's worth it to be able to have what you need on hand just in case. Makeup for me is a stress reliever. I'll wear my "normal" look daily but it's fun playing with makeup and being creative.

Nov 8, 2012

Aalia D.

What Jillian and Courtney said :-D

Nov 8, 2012

Liza G.

I def don't need everything I have, but I want it. it makes me happy and I collect it and use it so its my hobby. 

Nov 8, 2012

Sadie S.

I always loved make up since I was a kid n loved playing with colours n loved the smell of the Dior lipsticks my
Mum used to have :))) so I grew up looking at that n my grandma also was a very stylish woman that I never sow her without red lips n drops of Chanel 5 perfume so growing up with this women made me wanna know n have make up in my life !!! I go crazy at mac counters Dior etc.., I have been a victim of buying more then I need but now self control has kicked in is all good just buy what I need n run out of THAT'S ALL!!!:)))

Nov 8, 2012

Kay D.

I love love makeup but sometimes we don't because most of the time I could go without foundation