Occ lip tar VS lipstick.


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Michele S.

Jan 9, 2014

Michele S.

I see a lot of you are using the lip tar.. How do you like it VS lipstick?

Jan 9, 2014

Shelley W.

I love both. I just like the OCC liptars because of the unique colors and wear time.

Jan 9, 2014

Natalie T.

Like Shelley, I love both as well. Some people complain of OCC Lip Tars feathering, but I have never had that problem. I tend to use a super tiny amount and layer it if I need more intensity, if you use too much its really hard to apply properly. I love the colors OCC offers and the fact that you can mix them to create your own color makes it super fun and unique to me. They also last a very long time! I love regular lipsticks as well. I find regular lipstick much faster to apply with ease. You can of course, alter the color of lipstick by the amount you use, layering (the same color or different colors, by using different lip liners, ect; but the way you can mix OCC liptars is much like mixing paint so I really enjoy that. The only bad thing I have to say about OCC liptars is the size of the products offered: sometimes they have combo packs with smaller tubes, but I wish they were available for all colors. The tubes are pretty large and I would never be able to use the tube in its entirety before it expired since you only have to use a little dot of it for application. So I feel like I'll be wasting product since they give you so much!

Jan 9, 2014

Jeanine J.


Jan 9, 2014

Lori C.

Hmmm, never tried them but I'm curious now.

Michele S.

Jan 9, 2014

Michele S.

Tyvm for the information, I think I'll save my birthday money and shop some more on sephora site or the occ site =) I'd like to try at least one.

Michele S.

Jan 9, 2014

Michele S.

I noticed grace has complained about the black one. Does anyone else have problems with that one?

Michele S.

Jan 9, 2014

Michele S.

Not sure.. Think she had issues with it bleeding, if I'm not mistaken

Michele S.

Jan 9, 2014

Michele S.

I need to buy a new eos, I think it was my son who decided to take a bite out of it lol bc my daughter's had a bite in it too.. My husband told me he got a walgreens card without the card (just use the phone number).. I said awesome I need a new eos anyway lol plus I love the sinful nail polish and makeup set things they usually have =) I'll definitely have to try some lip tar.

Jan 9, 2014

Tuti G.

I bought the black one and ended up returning it because it was super oily. So strange. I only had it for a few weeks :-(

Jan 9, 2014

Bree B.

I can tend to have bleeding/feathering issues with lipsticks but I oddly haven't had this OCC. A little, as in a DROP, goes a long way!

Jan 9, 2014

Kelly H.

I love OCC lip tars, it takes a few tries to get the hang of using them, but once you do they are awesome.

Jan 9, 2014

Traci L.

I like them too I only have 2 but they last forever.

Jan 9, 2014

Grace K.

My problem with NSFW is that it doesn't show up! I have to layer and layer and layer to get it opaque and by that time there's so much frickin Lip Tar on my lips it would have been easier to just go in with Nightmoth from MAC and call it a day. Thanks for remembering Michele!

Jan 9, 2014

Sable G.

Depends on the look I'm going for honestly, but my OCCs tend to be when I don't feel like doing eyw makeup, I do my face and brows, throw on a pair of lashes and rock a bold/dramatic OCC lippy.

Michele S.

Jan 9, 2014

Michele S.

No problem grace I couldn't remember your exact problem. I'll buy one to try one. Do drugstores sell them or only high end.

Michele S.

Jan 9, 2014

Michele S.

Also is it sticky like lip gloss?

Jan 9, 2014

Grace K.

I think you can only get them through Sephora or the OCC site. Although I have seen some dupes from Sleek and another brand I can't remember. And it applies sticky like a lip gloss but dries to a really matte formula almost like a stain. :)

Jan 9, 2014

Brittany A.

I like lip tar, but there are lipsticks that I would choose of lip tar any day. Lip Tar tends to be very drying, but it is nice that it only takes a tiny bit, don't really spread, and stays well for the most part, also has a great range of colors. That being said, I prefer the feel and lasting ability of Urban Decay and Kat Von D Foiled Love more, nor do either feather.

Michele S.

Jan 9, 2014

Michele S.

I almost got kat von d foiled lipstick.. What's feathered mean?

Jan 11, 2014

Brittany A.

Feathered is spreading, like from your lips into the fine cracks in your skin around them.
I love my Kat Von D, it does feel a little drying at first (but like I said lip tar is drying, that is pretty much any liquid lipstick for you really), but after maybe about half an hour of wearing it my lips always seem to feel like they go back to normal. If you like any of the colors I definitely recommend it.

Michele S.

Jan 18, 2014

Michele S.

Ty Brittany