Serious No Shampoo Question!?


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Jun 19, 2014

Lilly D.

I just started the no poo method today. I washed with 1 tbs of baking soda mixed with 1 cup water and conditioned with 2 tables spoons of Apple cidar vinegar mixed with 1 cup water. but ny hair color looks different!? my hair isn't processed in any way and it's a dark brown but after this process it looks more dark reddish! why!?!?

Baking soda will strip your hair of it's color, it's often a method used when someone wants to get rid of an undesirable color quickly. I wouldn't use it for more than a wash or two, and only for that purpose as it's very damaging over time. Try a good sulfate free shampoo, my hair condition had been incredible since I switched. You may want to consider a Demi permanent veggie dye to tone and condition your color if you're unhappy. Hope that's helpful, all the best!

Jun 19, 2014

Miriam V.

I did for only 1 week my hair was soft the first days but after 4 days it was really bad. tangled. oily. I couldn't go more days. and before do the poo method I read a lot about it. watched tons of videos and it isnt just what I expected.