Everyday makeup for a highschool.


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Jul 6, 2014

Laura R.

I'm having trouble coming up with an everyday makeup solution that's still natural but is still a good amount I'm going into highschool by the way.

Jul 6, 2014

Anna B.

Congrats! I'm senior this year woo! I just use a white shadow then in the corners I apply a dark brown and blend it in a bit. It's very natural and easy.

Jul 6, 2014

Belle M.


Jul 6, 2014

Belle M.


Jul 6, 2014

Belle M.

And 3

Jul 6, 2014

Moni K.

I'm a senior right now. I only wear mascara, clear eyebrow gel and sometimes the naked basics pallette as eyeshadow, eyeliner and a highlight. If I need to I'll wear concealer. Simple and natural eyeshadow colors like brown and beige are really pretty.

Jul 6, 2014

Faith J.

But it's summer!
I just wear BB cream and mascara and I'm heading into grade nine

Jul 6, 2014

Kathy K.

I'm going to be a sophmore and I usually wear mascara, lip balm and sometimes eyeshadow.

Jul 7, 2014

Allessandra R.

Ok I'm going into 10th grade and last year I wore foundation/bb cream and concealer when needed. I also wore blush, and mascara and some lip stick or gloss. but, sometimes I would wear bronzer and eyeshadow and eyeliner, I varied it everyday. I think it's ok to wear a lot of makeup because it's an expression of who you are but not everyday because you want to show that you are confident without it and don't want it to look heavy. also, it was never super dramatic looks just very natural.

Jul 7, 2014

Olivia K.

I am in high school and I just do basic, if I even wear makeup!

Jul 7, 2014

Sarah O.

I'm in 11th grade and all I use is mascara, eye liner, foundation, and lip balm. Once in a while ill use eyeshadow

Jul 7, 2014

Sarah O.

Oh, and fill In my brows.

Jul 7, 2014

Naz L.

Keep it basic! I'm going to 11th and everyone keeps it basic and neutral. Start with a foundation and bb cream and then blush and then eyeliner and mascara and a tinted lip balm like baby lips or something. Eyeshadow isn't really needed but if you really want then you could keep it simple by putting a light cream shadow on your lid and a lift brown shadow blended into your crease (both matte)

Jul 7, 2014

Sarah O.

I would

Jul 7, 2014

taelor h.

I'm going into my senior year &we have uniforms, so I go all out on my eye make up, it's one of the very few things the school can't control when it comes to my self expression, but that's just me. Good luck.!(:

Jul 7, 2014

Liv I.

Freshman year really I wouldn't worry too much about crazy makeup or anything I say keep it clean simple and natural :) that's how I love to wear it and I think it flatters everyone. I suggest the naked palette (go on YouTube for videos) and black or brown mascara, some nice natural lipstick and maybe a red for days you want a pop of color and I'd say your good :) freshman year go's quick by the way😉

Jul 7, 2014

Liv I.

Also maybe a dark brown pencil to fill in your brows :)