EW Blackheads!


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Jan 12, 2012

Krystyna E.

I have had blackheads since I hit puberty and I need help ridding them once and for all! I have them in my T zone and nothing makes them go away. I resorted to acne medications and spot treatments, but they would leave my skin bright red, dry and flaky (seriously gross!) My pores aren't huge, so they aren't so incredibly noticeable, but I just wish I could go without foundation and feel like no one notices my blackheads since my skin is so fair. And I tried the drug store masks up to the Chanel masks... & those nose strips (ouch!) Nothing has worked. I've never had a facial and I'm scared to with the "extractions" yuck! Doesn't that just make your pores bigger? I wash my face with clearasil scrub morning and night... keeps the zits away, but the blackheads stay. :( Help please!!!!!!!!

Jan 15, 2012

Carly N.

I have had this SAME EXACT problem! I posted a topic a while back asking what I could do. Here it is: http://www.beautylish.com/t/vuipy/blackheads

Also, I just bought a Mint Julep mask and it says it helps with blackheads!

Jan 16, 2012

Krystyna E.

Thanks!!! now I have some new ideas and things to try!!!

Jan 16, 2012

Carly N.

You're welcome! I'm trying so hard on mine!

Jan 17, 2012

Elizabeth B.

try going into the sauna 2x a week. It's miraculous. 

Jan 17, 2012

Laurel G.

About the sauna,how long do you stay in for?Do you use any skincare products before or after?

Jan 17, 2012

Elizabeth B.

I stay in for about 40 minutes but I definitely take breaks throughout the 40 min. When taking breaks, with a cleansing towel soaked in cold water I just kinda exfoliate the dead skin and all the other yucky stuff on my skin. And then once again go back into the sauna. When I'm about done with the sauna., I run to the shower and wash my face with a cleanser right away then toner..... Etc

Jan 17, 2012

Mindy R.

If you get a facial, go to an esthetician. They can perform extractions. They will steam the skin first to soften the skin and loosen up the blackheads which makes them easier to extract. I GENTLY extract my blackheads after I get out of the shower when my skin is softened.  

Jan 19, 2012

Kim P.

i tried CVS pore strips but they didnt work AT ALL. Should I take a warm shower&exfoliate before using them then? 

Jan 20, 2012

Crystal S.

As a future Aesthetician (waiting to take stateboard) you need to get a facial and get a consultation youe esthetician might recommend a mocrodermabrasion which a mechanical exfoilation along with extractions. The sauna is a little extreme because your expanding your pores and making a way for more bacteria to enter causing more comedones aka blackheads. If your going to do what Mindy says just make sure you tone after doing extractions.

Jan 20, 2012

Crystal S.

One ore thing your foundation might be the cause you need to find one that is non-comedegenic and make sure you clean your makeup brushes after each use.

Feb 14, 2012

Ashley P.


Feb 14, 2012

Sofia C.

The pore strips only work on a surface level, and if you have stubborn blackheads like mine (my nose looks like a strawberry..with all the little black seeds), even extracting them is almost impossible. Steaming does help before pore strips, but they will come back and it's a very superficial solution. As everyone's mentioned, toning and exfoliating is the way to go. Besides face masks every couple of days.
Paula's Choice makes really good toners and chemical exfoliants that have completely changed my t-zone. The products change the entire pore rather than just removing gunk on the surface. You can choose toner and exfoliant depending on your skin type on her website (watch the video) http://www.paulaschoice.com/category/bha-aha-exfoliants
If you cant afford her products, anything with salycic acid in it really does help blackheads since they are just like any other acne. So a toner with salycic acid such as Neutrogenas Pore refining toner, and a blackhead scrub with salycic acid such as Clean & Clear's Blackhead scrub will work almost as well. 

Feb 16, 2012

Crystal S.

@Ashley P it's foundation that doesn't clog your pores

Feb 16, 2012

Sabrina P.

I have blackheads to but i do extractions thats the only way you can completely get rid of the black head. i have tried everything and they kept coming some of the products only do half the job. if you lived where i lived i would introduce you to my mom she's a facialist and her extractions aren't painful

Feb 18, 2012

Dani P.

I had a lot of black heads on and around my nose. I went and got my very first ever facial a few weeks ago. She steamed me and used a bunch of different exfoliators, and then ended up doing an extraction. She was an esthetician and though the extraction was uncomfortable its no worse than when you do it yourself really. She got out a SUPER stubborn big one I've had on the tip of my nose for years and never been able to get rid of. I've been using masks twice a week since and being much more stringent with my face washing routine using a toner ever time and moisturizing. My skin looks 100% better. i hardly wear foundation anymore.

I would definitely recommend going to a esthetician and getting a facial and then just doing the upkeep. I got better results doing this than anything I've tried doing by myself.

Jena O.

Feb 19, 2012

Jena O.

You will need to get the black heads extracted by a pro, visit a Esthetician for a deep cleansing facial with a microderm or glycolic peel to exfoliate. For at home treatment, cleanse with Clarisonic brush and use a glycolic gel 2-3 times a week to keep skin exfoliated, soft, smooth!  =)

Feb 27, 2012

Kaysey L.

All of the suggestions above are great! As for my input, I use the Biore pore strips once or twice a week, and they work pretty well for me. 

Apr 5, 2012

Marian H.

try using tomato with sugar. Search on YT for Michelle Phan's tomato mask. Its awesome

Apr 10, 2012

Olivia G.

Look for oh my lemons and blackheads, it's an amazing recipe!