WHO wears makeup to the Gym???


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Feb 23, 2011

Susana E.

Im curious who wears makeup to the gym because I've met some people who wear makeup to the gym...I wonder if it's to meet cute guys, feel more confident or just can't go out without makeup...

Feb 23, 2011

DeShelle W.

haha I don't go to the gym without makeup. It's a waste of product because your just going to sweat if off.

Feb 23, 2011

Kristen Z.

I'm sure there are people that do it for every reason! I don't wear a ton of makeup but I wear a little. It's either because a) I'm too lazy to take off my eye makeup before I go (as long as it's not a ridiculous amount) and b) my hair is naturally white blonde, so my eyelashes are blonde and so are my eyebrows. But right now, my hair is almost black. So I look sick when I don't have my lashes and brows drawn in lol. So I'll draw them in and then smudge a little eyeliner or something just to darken them up a little. Basically, I don't want people thinking I have some disease!! lol.

I confess I use to when I was younger (late teens to mid 20s). Now I don't care how I look at the gym. 

No way. It would melt off my face in 30 seconds.

Heta R.

Feb 23, 2011

Heta R.

I do wear makeup to the gym and when ever I'm working out (except swimming, obviously) I use waterproof mascara and some foundation, some creme eyeshadow that is waterproof, so nothing too heavy. 

Feb 23, 2011

Jamie M.

I only wear mascara to the gym and that's only because I feel like mascara completely changes how I look. I go from looking tired to awake with just mascara.

Feb 23, 2011

Luna V.

Gotta say, usually wear makeup to the gym...but it's because I go after work, or later in the day when I've all ready had a full-face of makeup applied.

If I go in the morning, I usually throw on some tinted moisturizer, but that's it. 

Feb 23, 2011

Neelam S.

I wear makeup to the gym most days :) Not full blown eyeshadow but my usual foundation, liner, blush, contour/highlight, gloss and if im feeling extra happy - a pair of lashes (which i wear 70% of the time anyways)

When you look good, you feel good... when you feel good, you push yourself harder and more happily.

I do a lot of fitness classes and the whole room is mirrored so its yourself your looking at when your working out. When I look in the mirror and I think I look really pretty, I'll push myself even harder because I know how much BETTER I can look if I lose that extra weight and how much hotter that swimsuit is going to look in a few months! :)

Feb 23, 2011

Neelam S.

Also, I use cover fx foundation and I LOVE the way it looks/sets into my skin with the heat and sweat.... just remember to give yourself a good deep cleansing after! 

Feb 24, 2011

Linda D.

I wear make up to the gym but nothing crazy. I just put on a little concealer for my dark circles and chap stick. Some days I'll go to the gym after whatever I was doing during the day so sometimes I'll have on foundation and etc. I have seen girls at the gym wearing full on blown eye shadow and heavy foundation and it's funny to see their make up runny lol 

I just don't even bother lol.. i sweat so much..(gross) it just melts off my face anyway.. and theres no one there for me to impress, my fiance sees me without makeup all the time so i dont really care lol.

Feb 25, 2011

Lindsay D.

I also wear makeup to the gym. Not a ton but mascara, and a little eyeliner. Its mostly because I dont go anywhere without those two things on. I'm the same as Kristen Z, naturally blonde so I have super light eyelashes and look awful without it on. Definitely a confidence thing for me!

Feb 25, 2011

Leslie J.

No! LOL I usually go right after I take my son to school!

If i am already wearing makeup then i will wear makeup to my kickboxing class. No reason to take it off if u wore it all day at work, right? 

Feb 25, 2011

Eliane v.

I confess, I put make up(foundation, blush, mascara, lipstick) before going to the gym i feel better when I wear make up 

Jan 10, 2013

Olivia A.

At gymnastics I wear powder & lipstick lol

Feb 7, 2013

Allie R.

I don't, unless I have already had it on through the day. Sweating is really good for cleansing your skin, so having make up on as you're sweating is just gross.