I Need Help!!


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Apr 12, 2013

Zeleste r.

My face is full of dark blemishes cause of my acne scars &I don have money right now to go buy anything for my face what can I use here at home as a mask maybr to help my face??

Apr 12, 2013

Stephanie R.

If you rub the inside of a banana peel on your face before bed and wash it off in the morning :) I started doing that and it actually helps. I found that on google if you want to search it up

Apr 12, 2013

Sarah M.

Lemon juice lightens up scars
Baking soda and water gets rid of blemishes

Apr 12, 2013

Zeleste r.

Ok thankyou you guys (:

Apr 13, 2013

Kelly M.

Another vote for lemon juice! And if you take half of a lemon, sprinkle a bit of baking soda on it, and rub it on your face, it'll gently exfoliate while helping to lighten the scars.

Apr 13, 2013

Zeleste r.

thanks (:

Apr 13, 2013

Mia Taryn B.

Honey works really well, use it like a mask for 10 min. every 3 days or so.

Apr 13, 2013

Loren B.

Lemon juice is great and baking soda really polishes your face. You may find you like natural ingredients rather than all the chemicals. Try a honey yogurt mask.

Apr 13, 2013

Zeleste r.

I have a question if lemon is an acid wouldnt it burn my face rather then helping?

Apr 15, 2013

Mia Taryn B.

You shouldn't use lemon too often and if you experience discomfort or uncomfortable burning, just as with any product "natural" or not, you should discontinue use. Lemon does burn a tiny bit and I rinse it off after a few minutes and use moisturiser after. Even if you have oily and acne prone skin, always use a light moisturizer everyday as well.