Pray for Boston (read please)


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Apr 19, 2013

Katie K.

So they just found the second dude (pretty sure) So keep boston in your prayers right now!!

Apr 19, 2013

Sherry H.

what second dude?

Apr 19, 2013

Taylor G.

Aw Kaley I'm sorry. Praying for you all up there

Apr 20, 2013

Sherry H.

What happened?!

Apr 20, 2013

Caitlin M.

There were two brothers suspected of the bombings at the Boston marathon Monday. The older brother was killed in a shootout with police last night and they believe they have the second suspect, the younger brother, cornered on a boat.

Apr 20, 2013

Dominique W.

Definitely sending prayers up there. I heard on the radio you all can't leave your homes.

Apr 20, 2013

Sherry H.

Aww that sucks. what nationality are they?

Apr 20, 2013

Sherry H.

Omg crazy ass people nowadays!

Apr 20, 2013

Rafiat A.

Sherry H., sorry if this sounds rude but how do you not know 'what happened' it's been on every news channel 24/7 since Monday and why does it matter what nationality they are? Terrorists are terrorists no matter what they look like.

Apr 20, 2013

Caitlin M.

They got him!

Apr 20, 2013

Caitlin M.

I'm glad they got him alive, someone needs to answer and be held responsible for these horrible events. Even though it won't bring anyone back or change the outcome people deserve some answers. Although those answers are probably going to be horrible things I'm glad one of them is going to be sentenced so everyone can get some justice and closure eventually.

Apr 20, 2013

Jess H.

Rafiat,well said. Terrorists are terrorists.

Apr 20, 2013

Selina F.

You guys really want to know who's responsible? Our government! They have no problem killing innocent Americans and blaming other people for what they've done.

Apr 20, 2013

aly j.

Finally someone said it! 100% agree with @Selina F.

Apr 20, 2013

Caitlin M.

I have to disagree. I don't agree with everything the government does, not by any means, and I do think we would be better off without some of the things they do...But to say they did this while the evidence is all there pointing at these two men is absolutely ridiculous. They were both photographed and video taped at the scene, carrying backpacks similar to the remains of which were found in the rubble afterward. When they were confronted by police they had pipe bombs, hand grenades and a bomb made from a pressure cooker, the same type that the ones at the marathon were made of. The older brother who was killed had an explosive device strapped to his chest and had wounds correlating to being near the explosions. That's a lot of evidence if you ask me. Too much evidence to be pointing fingers at anyone else. The sad truth is that there are people out there sick enough and full of enough hatred to do horrible things. People need to realize that and stop blindly accusing the government of setting up these events. This sort of thing happens in other places on a daily basis, but because it doesn't happen here very often when it does people feel the need to blame the government rather than looking at the facts and dealing with the terrifying fact that just because we're Americans doesn't mean we're exempt from the same type of horror citizens of other countries are more familiar with. If our government was any different it would probably happen a lot more often. We are very privileged here in America. We could be living in a country where suicide bombings and bombings of other kinds are a daily occurrence. Our world is not perfect but its a lot better than it is in other places. Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, that's because we have the government we have. Just because something horrific happens doesn't mean the government did it. There are messed up people out there. I suppose this means that every other horrific event that's ever happened was set up by the government too? Columbine, Sandy Hook, any and all other bombings, shootings or murders? While we're at it let's just say that the government actually committed the Manson murders and pinned it on Charles Manson out of the blue. This may just be the part of me that almost majored in forensics, but I look at the facts and the evidence and let them do the talking. And they are all pointing at two individuals who thought, for some horrific, hateful reason that it was a good idea to bring bombs to an event full of innocent people.

Apr 20, 2013

Ghizlaine B.

Agree with Rafiat! Terrorists are terrorists and all of them need to be punished no matter what their nationality, race or religion is. I am Arab and Muslim and I condemn Arab/Muslim terrorists just as much as I condemn any other terrorist. I don't think any religion permits the killing of innocent people and I know my religion (Islam) certainly does not! And for those who are not religious, everyone should have a humane side. I have been in the USA for three years now, and I have heard comments like: "well, why do you bomb us?" And I just want to say excuse me I didn't bomb any one I am a normal person I don't care what religion I am, my family is normal my life is normal. Please know that real Muslims do not support these kind of acts in ANY ways, terrorists will all pay for their actions whether in this life or the hereafter.

Apr 20, 2013

Caitlin M.

I also agree that terrorists are terrorists no matter the reason, their race or religion. No one should take another's life. But that does not mean all Muslims are terrorists by any means. Just because there's a few bad apples doesn't mean the whole bunch is bad. It goes with anything, not just terroristic acts.

Apr 20, 2013

Ghizlaine B.

Thanks Caitlin! It's just hard to see people build hate against me or my people while I know do sure that none of us want this. But unfortunately, every time something happens the first thing that comes to people's heads is "those dang Arabs". I hope things change, I guess every people have their time of persecution. Once it was the black race, then the Jewish now it's Arabs! Sadly that's just the human nature..

Apr 20, 2013

Caitlin M.

People are hateful sadly. It seems they will always find things or people to hate and pit everything against :/

Apr 20, 2013

aly j.

I have no idea what everyone has looked at, as far as the Boston situation goes. however, the stuff that I've seen does not make any sense at all. it's all so surreal. it seems like everyone is trying so hard to put the blame on the 2 guys they have down as "suspects". all the video footage I have seen from the marathon points at other people. this whole situation is just so messed up. it has people thinking about so many different things that have happened & could happen in the future. whatever anyone thinks is the truth, the bottom line is that WE ALL had enough of it all & we all want everything & everyone too be fine.

Apr 20, 2013

Caitlin M.

I agree with that. It terrifies me. I live in Pittsburgh and I'm terrified that something like this could happen there. Or anywhere else for that matter, but especially the cities. The same thing goes with shootings. It's horrible we have to worry about stuff like this at all no matter who's doing it.

Apr 20, 2013

Selina F.

You know what happened while everyone was distracted by the Boston bombing and the Texas explosion? Congress passed CISPA, a law where the government can freely monitor Internet searches without a warrant. Not only is that an invasion of privacy but unconstitutional. They take away our guns and now they want to monitor every move we make. Call it a conspiracy theory but I see a lot of facts that add up and make sense. The news is only showing you what the government allows you to see.

Apr 20, 2013

aly j.

Wth, I haven't heard of that topic at all. I call b.s. on it if it's true.

Apr 20, 2013

Caitlin M.

I'm sure congress was working to pass that anyway, regardless of what the situation in either place. They are always trying to pass things like that, I don't deny that and I don't think it's right. But there'a a big difference between passing a bill monitoring internet searches without a warrant versus accusing them of placing bombs and then blaming others for it. So in my opinion that has nothing to do with anything here. And no one has taken guns away yet. But after 30 some, possibly more,shootings in how many years? I think something should be done! Not stripping the right away completely but making it so not just any nutcase can have a gun. Nothing is going to get any less violent unless something happens. And if that means making it harder to own a gun then so be it. People who are not stable have no business owning firearms regardless of constitutional rights, period. Rights only go as far as when they start to interfere with the rights of others. And when someone shoots up a school or a mall and takes innocent lives those peoples' rights are being infringed on. They have a right to go to a mall or school and feel safe and we have a duty to make sure those rights aren't infringed on by a mentally unstable person who was allowed to purchase and own a gun. That's the sad truth and things are going to have to bend to make sure stuff like that doesn't happen. I agree with the government a little bit on that aspect. It should not be banned, not by any means, but altered so we're more careful about who is able to have access to a weapon they can cause harm with. I see nothing wrong with that. I know I would feel a lot safer knowing that not just anyone can own multiple guns of all kinds along with boxes and boxes of ammunition. We are living in increasingly violent times and sadly that means restrictions need to be made.

Apr 20, 2013

Pip A.

Gov is sneaky. We don't know half of what goes on and never will.