FLYER!! help cheer question!


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Apr 15, 2013

Brooke S.

So I'm 80 pounds and 14 but I'm also 5"6 so will I be a flyer or base? Please help I'm so curious!! :D (sorry if I already posted this I can't tell if I did or not)

Apr 15, 2013

Madison H.

It depends on the cheer team if the team is big than you would be a flyer but if the team is skinny maybe but 80 lbs is good for 14

Apr 15, 2013

Madison H.

Or there's a good chance since your height that youll be a back base

Apr 15, 2013

Jenny O.

You'll probably be a flyer

Apr 15, 2013

Kat R.

Flyer. Little girls aren't very strong for bases no offense
-2 year cheer captain ;)

Apr 15, 2013

Kat R.

Flying isn't easy though trust me. I'm 5'3 and 116 lbs and I'm a main flyer but also a main base. Flying is so much harder. Tip would be to stay locked and keep your chin up. Don't look down. Also squeeze your buttcheeks! It will help you stay locked. Don't unlock your knees, EVER. And don't flail your arms. And if you do basket tosses, ride it as high as you can and then snap. :)
Hope this helped

Apr 15, 2013

Jane R.

What's a flyer and base;?

Apr 15, 2013

Stormi L.

You'll most likely be a back spot, (back base). Flying is NOT easy and usually the shorter girls are put in the air. Don't be discouraged no matter where you are placed, cheer is a team sport and every job is equally important to get things right! If you do end up flying, all I can say is make sure you are comfortable with your bases. If you don't trust the people underneath you, it's going to be 1000x's harder. I'm 5'3 and 90 pounds and I've flown as well as based so I can see you going either way. Good luck though! Cheer leading is SO much fun!

Apr 16, 2013

Brooke S.

Ok thanks guys! I'm going to be cheering for skyline so it's a pretty big team :)

Apr 16, 2013

Jane R.

thanks stormi!!:)