Acne Scar Help please.


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Apr 8, 2013

Makenna T.

So I have gotten rid of 99% of my acne YAYYY!! But... I'm stuck with these horrifying acne scars an no idea how to get rid of them. 98 % of them are on my forehead as that was my problem area. I need it to work within a month in time for prom. Does anyone have some suggestions?? Thanks you alls :) love you all ;)

Apr 8, 2013

Charlotte G.

Ok best products would be bio oil vitamin e oil you could take a multi vitamin too xx good luck

Apr 8, 2013

Samantha S.

I heard that vitamin e oil works for scars.

Apr 8, 2013

Nicole S.

Hi Taylor :)
A really good cheap option is lemon juice. Just apply daily with a cotton pad and then follow with moisturizer because it can be a little drying

Apr 8, 2013

Makenna T.

Hey Nicole thank you very much I will try that and thanks to Samantha and Charlotte as well :)

Apr 8, 2013

Sarah M.

Aloe Vera! It works wonders!

Apr 8, 2013

Makenna T.

I heard aloe Vera helps burns but acne scars?

Apr 8, 2013

Jorie C.

Ambi soap! It works. Its like $1.30.

Apr 8, 2013

Jessica N.

I had some acne scars on my cheek, wanted to have laser done by the dermatologist, but I heard that sometimes it can leave more I was wondering around cvs and pirchased palmers skin fading cream in the regular formula, I've been using it for about a month twice daily and it doea the trick..they are very light now. but if I continue using it I'm sure they eventually be gone :-)

Apr 8, 2013

Vanessa A.

Rosehip oil

Apr 8, 2013

Sarah F.

Nothing is going to remove them entirely in a month but will just fade them. I have used and liked mederma advanced scar gel and invincible scar treatment which I got off amazon. The mederma was alright but the invincible worked incredibly fast, you can't even notice the scars anymore. I would recommend the invincible and suggest ordering from amazon. The packaging sucks but it worked wonders on my scars.

Apr 8, 2013

Neha G.

Raw milk along with sandalwood powder work wonders! do this while going ti bed.

Apr 8, 2013

Rhiannon P.

Sandalwood is beautiful. Products containing Vitamin-C should be beneficial as well.

Apr 8, 2013

Mia G.

Silicone based patched and gels (usually the brand scaraway) are the most effective topical treatments for scars. :) it's been clinically proven!

Apr 8, 2013

Suheera K.

I used to do this but its very messy so I recommend doing it on a daily basis in the summer andd trust me it works.So you take a spoonfull of honey mix it with a little bit of water, warm it up in the mircowave 10seconds tops, and apply to your face but not to thick of a layer abd go to sleep. I know it sounds messy sticky and disgusting but trust me when I tell you it works like magic. by then time you get back to school most of your scars will be gone also your skin will be softer and brighter.

Apr 8, 2013

Steph Z.

Try this DIY

Apr 8, 2013

Sarah M.

Taylor. Aloe Vera helps acne scars as well as heals popped pimples...

Apr 9, 2013

Ciara S.

How did you get rid of your acne in the first place?

Apr 9, 2013

Makenna T.

I washed my face with cetaphil twice a day an used a blemish control apricot scrub (from Walmart ) every other day. I don't know if its cuz I'm really young or I didn't have acne severely but my acne was gone in a month. Now I just have some scars on my forehead.

Apr 13, 2013

Ciara S.

Woah that's great! so happy for you girl x

Apr 13, 2013

Makenna T.

Thanks :)