Donating My Hair!


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Apr 8, 2013

Emily R.

So at the end of this semester I plan on donating my hair to locks of love! I was wondering if anyone has done this before? It will be my first time donating my hair and some insight would be nice. Thanks!

Apr 8, 2013

Ivette H.

Both me & my daughter did this about 3 years ago. When you get your hair cut tell them to put it in a ponytail for donating. Then put it in a zip lock bag & go to the locks of love website & get their adress to send it. (they also have full instructions their) After they receive it they send you a beautiful card.

Apr 8, 2013

Nicole F.

When I was a kid I donated twice. My mom would never let me get a haircut until I had king enough hair to donate haha, she meant well. I am currently growing my hair out to donate. My aunt has cancer, so now instead of my mom forcing me, it's something I feel obligated to do that's close to my heart :)

Apr 8, 2013

Nicole F.

long enough hair*

Apr 9, 2013

Emily R.

Thanks so much everyone! When I get it cut I will definitely post before and after pictures. Now that its getting hot I can't wait to have it all cut off and give it to someone who needs it. :-) I definitely plan on donating as much as possible since my hair grows so fast and I love having both long and short hair.