What does olive oil do for your hair?


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Aug 10, 2013

Chrissy M.

I want to do a hair mask with olive oil but not sure what it will do for my hair😊

Aug 10, 2013

Theresa L.

Olive oil not only moisturizes your hair but it can repair any type of damage that your hair has experienced a great hair mask I use is olive oil and honey you can also try olive oil and egg whites.. I hope this helps out.. good luck

Aug 10, 2013

Chrissy M.

Thank you @ Emily and Theresa.

Aug 10, 2013

Tiffany D.

How long do you leave it on for?

Aug 10, 2013

Chrissy M.

Someone said 30 to 60 minutes but I have never tried.

Aug 10, 2013

Tiffany D.

Ok then I think I'll try it tonight and go for 45 minutes. My hair is super damaged.

Aug 11, 2013

Preeti P.

I used it for 3 months and my verdict is that its a no no for fine hair and oily scalp, it does nothinng except weighing it down and stipping off all the volume. it does moisture in way I feel its useless, like its oily moisturised :p I personnally think only people with thick dry hair should use olive, else best is almond oil. it makes hair so soft with making it sticky. hair is bouncy and shiny.