Addicted to doing nails.


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Aug 12, 2013

Laura S.

Help!! I am addicted to doing my nails at least once a day if not more. I gave all of my nail polish to my sister and told her to hide it from me. I don't know how long I will last. Any suggestions to stop this addiction?

Aug 12, 2013

Courtney M.

No idea...I paint my nails every other week and I take off the polish as soon a I see it chipping. All the different designs are so fun too do though.. Umm stop buying nail polish?? IDK :o.

Aug 12, 2013

Courtney M.


Aug 12, 2013

Carliza B.

Occupy yourself with different hobbies like makeup, hair, and diy stuff.. but try not to get too obsessed with those either and monitor how much you do it. also going for walks, exercising, and hanging out your friends can distract you.

Aug 12, 2013

Cassidy L.

Just think about how bad it is for your nails! You should not be using chemicals on them every day. I leave my polish for at least a week. I used to be addicted to using heat on my hair until I realized what damage I was causing to it! If you want beautiful nails, you have to be responsible and take care of them. I had my mom hold on to my heat tools for the first two months. I was allowed to have them one day a week.

Aug 12, 2013

Hannah R.

I am/was that way!! I went online and bought "display wheels" with nails on them and I use those!!