I'm sleep deprived.


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Aug 15, 2013

Elissa L.

Ok so for the last 2 or 3 days I've been staying up at 6:00 or 7;00 in the morning then ill fall asleep and wake up at 1:00 pm. I've tried some remedies but they were useless. please help :(

Aug 15, 2013

Brittany O.

Melatonin, binaural beats for sleep, pushing through and staying awake for the whole day and going to sleep at a normal time, bob marley mellow mood drink, black tea and the citrus one are so yummy! Sleepy time tea, sleep eze pills

Aug 15, 2013

Annie D.

I suggest that you do exercising in the morning and switch off any electronic devices an hour before bed. Try listening to soothing music if this ease your mind or alternative seek a doctor who can prescribe you drowsiness tablets.

Aug 15, 2013

Brittany A.

Well first off, don't let yourself sleep until 1, set an alarm and make yourself get up earlier, and like Annie said exercise. Also, not to sound mean, but that is hardly sleep deprived, that is the amount I sleep on most nights, and quite often even less that that. I also use to be an insomniac, I would go a night or two without sleeping then a night or two with only two or three hours, no matter how hard I tried to sleep, I also went 6 days with no sleep once.

Aug 16, 2013

Caitlin M.

Z-quill is good. It's like Nyquil but just the sleep aid. It's non habit forming too. But I agree with Brittany, setting an alarm and forcing yourself to get up will reset your body's natural clock and you'll be tired at a decent hour so you can go to bed earlier and wake up earlier.

Aug 16, 2013

Kim S.

Stop stressing about it. The absolute worst thing to do is get it in your head that you have a problem with sleeping because you will come to expect it and end up laying there convincing yourself you can't sleep. Stop worrying about it - if you're not tired don't try to go to sleep. It will make the problem worse. Just sleep when you're tired, don't stress about it and you should end up back to normal

Aug 16, 2013

Hannah-leisha M.

Excercise. Try to avoid melatonin, as it is very bad for you. Don't go over 1mg :)