Beauty Products For Women of Color.


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Aug 15, 2013

Rhonda H.

What products do you recommend be added to the Beauty Box for women of color? If you had one which product would you add?

Aug 15, 2013

Dana M.

Iman, Ruby kisses, Nicka K, Loreal, Maybelline, Sleek, Mac, and some others I am probably missing.

Aug 15, 2013

Alma M.

Their are so many options now that are wonderful, but sadly some of the cosmetics go under the radar over shadowed by other main cosmetic companies.Black Opal,Fashion Fair,Black Radiance,Posner,Interface,plain jane,Vera moore,black up,Flori Roberts,Astarte cosmetics,the list goes on but indeed need more recognition.This is a great thread, thanks Rhonda I hope to read more feed back on this subject  :-)

Aug 16, 2013

Jessica M.

Milani I believe is a good option.

Aug 16, 2013

Dianne A.

Great suggestion Jessica! I was going to suggest same..:-)

Aug 16, 2013

Sharifa S.

Yes definitely milani, love they're stuff.

Aug 16, 2013

Rhonda H.

Thank you all for all the great suggestions. These product are going to make a great Beauty Box for women of color. This will give the opportunity to experience a full color of health and beauty products that will cater to women of color. If you hear of other products please let me know and I will do my best to get them in the box. I really appreciate the knowledge and support each and every one of you bring. Thanks again and it's a pleasure to here about more and more products here. Much love my friends. :)