What age to start wearing makeup.


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Aug 4, 2013

Simran G.

What age can I start wearing makeup.

Aug 4, 2013

Lily H.

Whatever age you are allowed to.

Aug 4, 2013

Aimee S.

How old are you now??

Aug 4, 2013

Anna S.

Whatever age you feel comftorble with and your parents allow you I started at 12 in seventh grade as long as its tasteful I don't see a problem with any age as long as its not like 9 and under maybe.

Aug 4, 2013

Muskan A.


Aug 4, 2013

Lauren H.

When your parents allow you. 12-14 is a good range.

Aug 4, 2013

Symone B.

I started when I was 13 years old. I only did mascara and eyeliner. At that age, makeup is a not a big necessity. But As you get older, you can venture out into shadow and bronzer :)

Aug 4, 2013

Oriana P.

13, 14. (:(:

Aug 4, 2013

Elizabeth C.

when your. allowed

Aug 4, 2013

Pua K.


Aug 4, 2013

Katharina C.

Sixteen , don't WORRY about makeup be a kid!

Aug 4, 2013

Daniela C.

And here we go with the same questions over and over...

Aug 4, 2013

Abby M.

I got make up at 12 but I didnt really wear it until I was 15 and a half

Aug 4, 2013

Audrey M.

12-14 in my opinion I'm 14 and I started wearing makeup when I was 13.

Aug 4, 2013

Emily S.

Whenever your heart desires c:

Aug 4, 2013

Janet I.


Aug 4, 2013

Kitty G.

when you want

Aug 4, 2013

Victoria G.

I'm 13 and I'd probably start wearing make up but I don't think I'll start off with as much. Probably just mascara.

Aug 4, 2013

Victoria G.

Start wearing make up in high school^

Aug 4, 2013

Amelia H.

13 but I started when I was 12.

Aug 4, 2013

Victoria T.

I think 13 would be the best age

Aug 4, 2013

Yasmin P.

I started wearing when I was 14 and I also think 14 is an age to start wearing makeup
And 12 is too early

Aug 4, 2013

Audrey V.

I'm 12 wearing it but not that much.

Aug 4, 2013

Ria S.

Whenever you're allowed. I started wearing mascara at around 12-13. And now I just wear mascara and powder and lipgloss. Occasionally eyeliner too

Aug 4, 2013

Lily S.

Whenever your parents allow you to. I started when I was 13.