Tips for maximum growth of natural hair.


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Oct 7, 2013

Ojuolape F.

I've been growing my natural hair for a year now. Although it is now soft, I feel it is still short :( Any tips for maximum growth? And also, for a nice thick body, my hair sometimes looks thin.

Oct 7, 2013

Karina J.

Well, I've heard about the Inversion Hair Growth method and it's supposed to make your hair grow 1 inch in a week. But I don't know if it works :) try and google it :)

Oct 7, 2013

Kiera F.

Hairfinity. google it. it works.

Oct 7, 2013

Tiffy H.

Omg I've been natural for two years this is what I've learned:

Use natural hair masks from edibles as in banana, honey, avocados etc.

Trim your ends 6-8 weeks

Co-wash (conditioner wash) more than shampoo

I recommend adding an oil to your shampoo

Protective styles are helpful during my transition time I braided my hair and wore lace wigs during school

If you look on my profile my pictures how my hair I just got it done professionally today its been years. Salons help too because they do the work for you with high quality products if you have the money for it.

Also I had just gotten my ends trimmed so it was a little longer than youve seen in my pics.

Also if you use hair USE HEAT PROTECTANT. My stylish says to find a good cream leave-in as a protectant.

If you color deep condition.

Deep condition is your friend.


Oct 7, 2013

Tiffy H.

And if hairfinity works I'll do it too ^

Oct 7, 2013

Erin M.

Curly Nikki forums are going to be a bit more helpful for you in this matter as it's a natural hair forum.

The inversion method works, or at least I worked for me. But other then what's already been said just make sure to drink lots or water and eat right. You being healthy helps with your hair being healthy.

Also make sure to massage your scalp with stimulating oils (tea tree or peppermint) twice or so a week tinge the blood flowing to the scalp.

Oct 7, 2013

Kitty K.

You need to eat lots of protein and iron. You can't speed up your hair growth. Actually... Your hair is meant to grow a certain length before it falls off. ( Kind of a scary fact. ) You'd have to change genetics before you speed up your hair so don't become so obsessed over it...
Treatments work fine.. ( Or what people like the call the inversion method for whatever reason ). I love doing castor oil with coconut oil and olive oil. Sometimes ill add a drop of vitamin e. but remember these are results of better hair strength and less breakage.. It's Your own natural growth rate going at its best with all the TLC you give it. Not speeding up hair growth, an don't let anyone fool you otherwise.. I've been trying to grow my hair. This is my result after only two weeks.

Oct 7, 2013

Kitty K.

And I took this pic about a week ago.. It will be a month for me on the 12th.

Oct 7, 2013

Vivienne T.

Drink plenty of water to hydrate and eat plenty almonds, fish and
dark green vegetables. Biotin also helps, and check your iron intake too. And make sure
to maintain the health and moisture of your hair using hydrating hair masks, like the
Moroccan argan oil hair mask from Pro Naturals, that’s what helped me a lot.

Oct 7, 2013

Tiffy H.

Right you can't make it faster per say but you do need to see how to retain length.

Oct 7, 2013

Kitty K.

I don't recommend biotin unless you have a biotin deficiency or a biotin related
Illness. It's side effects are nasty and you get enough biotin from eating foods.

Oct 8, 2013

Ojuolape F.

Thanks so much guys. I think I'll try the hairfinity and oils and more conditioning.