I need your help/opinion.


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Dec 1, 2013

Carina L.

Should I do makeup tutorials!?

Dec 1, 2013

Anissa J.

Oh yeah! This is soooo gorgeous!

Dec 1, 2013

Carina L.

But is it worth it? I just don't want to deal with all of ppls negativity..

Sweetheart,if you feel driven to do it, go ahead! I'm starting a " pick me up" notebook, that will contain compliments and likes that made me feel good. On those days when I feel down, I can open it up and feel blessed by those kind enough to support me. I have a rare nerve disorder, and haven't been able to,walk without crutches or a wheel chair in three years, and it's actually because of it I've fallen in love with making gals feel good. I'd love to be there for you if you ever need a hand, I'm learning too, but I admire your effort and skill:) <3.

Dec 1, 2013

Carina L.

Reading this made me tear ;( knowing someone who actually has all my support rather than a family member means so much and if you can do it so can I :D thank you so much I wish I can give you a big hug!! ❤️

Dec 1, 2013

Maha H.

Well if makeup is truly your passion then go for it! :D you'll never know if your tutorials will be a hit or a bust without even giving it a shot! good luck xx

Dec 1, 2013

Carina L.

Thank you

Dec 1, 2013

Ama D.

Definitely do it and don't mind all those hateful people online who don't even know you in real life! x

Dec 1, 2013

Etienne S.

Go for it! If thats want you love doing then don't let anyone hold you back. :) really love the eyebrows too!