I have a REALLY bad cystic pimple!


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Dec 23, 2013

Jenna E.

So I get cystic pimples every once in a while and they usually go away in like 5 days. I normally can use a hot at rag on it to help with the pain but this time it isn't helping at all! I have heard of using vaporub but I don't have any. Any ideas? I also got Mario Badescu's buffering lotion which is supposed to be for cystic pimples but it isn't helping at all.

Dec 23, 2013

Tiffany F.

Steam your face really good with lemon juice until the pimple starts ozzing then dry it up with rubbing alcohol then use some acne cream and put it on the pimple as much as you can like 4-6 times a day to dry it up and treat it

Dec 23, 2013

Noelle L.

Ahh I have the same thing! My skin is very clear of acne but once in a while I get a cystic pimple. I usually crush 1 tylenol pill and mix a little water in it so that its consistency is like a paste. Then I put the paste on my zit and it really helps! Good luck:) I hope it goes away before Christmas haha.

Dec 23, 2013

Tiffany F.

To help it ooze better clean the area and use a sterilized needled and poke it through sideways so it has two openings.

Dec 23, 2013

A A.

Retin A is a good cream to use that will help you. you can get it from a pharmacy. another thing that will help is.. take a cotton bud and dip it in really hot water then place it on the pimple... do it a couple of times abd ul see it get better. Another thing you can use is fucidine cream.. that will really help too.

Dec 23, 2013

Abby F.

I have those on my chin occasionally and I use this every time and 30-45 mins flat it's gone.

- apply a damp, hot rag until it cools down
- apply a damp, hot rag dipped in a mixture of hot water and Epsom salt until it cools
- apply a hot tea bag until it cools. It MUST be black tea, because it has all the proper ingredients to heal it.

It should come to a head and then you can use a sterilized needle to prick it. Then apply a spot treatment gel to dry it up and kill bacteria.

Dec 23, 2013

Livia H.

If you crush up uncoated aspirin and mix it with bottled or filtered water and olive oil, it makes a paste and will help with the inflammation.

Dec 23, 2013

Jenna E.

Aspirin didn't work, neither did the tea bag, and the hot rag with and without salt didn't work :-( It didn't even take the pain away! And as of now there is no hole for pus or something to come out of and I'm scared to poke one because it hurts to just touch it.

Dec 23, 2013

Jessica P.

Traci l can give you some advice she is really on point with her skin care.

Dec 23, 2013

Traci L.

Please don't put any needles in your face hun ,try getting a salicylic cleanser and a alpha hydroxy acid gel ,or get the salicylic cleanser and use retinol at night cystic acne runs a lot deeper than regular pimples ,you can use a warm compress to relieve the pain and you can still use your spot treatment on the affected area
Then try taking fish oil of flaxseed if your not allergic because cystic acne is inflammation and both supplements help reduce that ,and thanks Jessica xoxox

Dec 24, 2013

Maggie F.

You should NOT pop a cystic pimple. That could definitely cause scarring. I would just be diligent about using a benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid spot treatment with the highest concentrations you can find over the counter. I've heard you can get cortisone injections from a dermatologist as well, but have never done this myself.

Dec 26, 2013

Brook W.

Definitely get established with a dermatologist. I get 2 huge bumps like twice a year on my chin, I call my doctor and he will usually see me that day and give me an injection. It's gone the next day :)

Dec 29, 2013

Valerie J.

I know it sounds nut but place a same amount of tooth paste on it at night...it will help dry it up...also try washing your face with all natural black soap...and a toner...one a week take an egg and use it as a face mask...lastly find a all natural moisturizer to use...