Help!Home Remedy For My Dry Hair.


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Since I'm living in a tropical country and with busy schedule, I really don't have the time to go in a salon and treat my hair.I was hoping you could help me lovelies to solve my problem that I can do with in the comfort of my home.

Oct 16, 2012

Linda P.

Boil olive oil and honey over medium heat then after you mix it together really well start applying it to your hair. It might feel really sticky and nasty but when u wash it out it feels really good. I do it once a week maybe twice on some weeks. Hope this help. You can always skip the honey and just put olive oil almond oil and coconut oil in a bowl then microwave it for about 3-5 min depending in ur microwave then put it in ur hair and leave it on for 5 -10 min. Wrap ur hair in a bun after applying then out a plastic bag over it so you can absorb the oil and heat.

Oct 16, 2012

Mary P.

Mayonnaise seems to be a remedy that many people have tried to make hair soft and shiny. The various fat-soluble nutrients in mayonnaise have a deep conditioning effect on hair. Eggs by themselves are excellent hair conditioners, but along with the eggs mayonnaise also has other oily substances such as soybean oil. All of these combine together to provide hair with much-needed moisture. The thing to be kept in mind here is the best conditions under which to use it.

Always use regular, good quality mayonnaise. If you can make it at home there is nothing like it. Avoid anything that has been sitting your fridge for a long time. Do not use it if you have hair prone to oiliness. Fine, thin hair has a tendency to get weighed down due to excessive product usage. Such hair may not respond well to the mayonnaise treatment. Even if you wish to indulge do so at well-spaced intervals. When you do use it make sure you apply it to the hair shaft, as opposed to vigorously rubbing it into your hair roots. This will prevent the oily, greasy look that too much conditioning can lead to. Apply the mayonnaise on your hair and leave it on for no longer than fifteen to twenty minutes. This will also depend on the thickness and consistency of your hair. For really dry, thick and frizzy hair you may want to leave it on for a longer time. Cover the hair with a hairnet or the mayonnaise will drip all over you and your surroundings.