Homemade lip exfoliant?


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Dec 27, 2013

Hannah K.

Check Pinterest for easy DIYs :)

Dec 28, 2013

Mikayla B.

I use sugar mixed with olive oil! I love it.

Dec 28, 2013

Ivette H.

Olive oil and sugar/ Coconut oil and sugar/

Dec 28, 2013

Lisa S.

Yeah I would just mix it in a cup or something and just put on your lips.

Dec 28, 2013

Anabelle F.

Sugar, olive oil and coconut oil.

Dec 28, 2013

Paige M.

Honey, maple syrup, sugar, vaseline and cinnemon.

Dec 28, 2013

Kiimy B.

Olive oil sugar and cinnamon works great for me :)