tips on growing out hair FAST?


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Oct 9, 2012

Caroline B.

Used to have really long hair, but i decided to cut it shoulder length during summer time, and i H A T E it. Any tips that could make it grow fast ? Or vitamins?

Oct 9, 2012

Sneha C.

I have long silky hair and everytime I go for a hair cut, they give me a shoulder or mid length cut despite me asking them not to make it too short. I regularly oil my hair and take multi vitamins. Hair grows about half inch every 2 months. So be patient and enjoy the process till u get the desired length. 

Oct 9, 2012

Evvie P.

Massaging your head at least once daily helps encourage your hair to grow. Reason being that it stimulates the blood supply to the hair follicle and has your sebaceous glands (where the oil comes from) secrete oil. This oil will push the hairs out. Hope this helps and good luck!

Oct 10, 2012

Nicole G.

.... do not wash hair every day I repeat DO NOT WASH HAIR EVERY DAY (24HOURS). as you are flushing away your hairs natural oils. and if so you can style hair second day and let it hang on the third than wash.... also use heat protection! and buy any hair oil to apply after a shower... morning.... night or day it will help restore the ends of your hair. oh! and as of food...... drink and eat healthy! protein and vitamins x100

Oct 10, 2012

Nicole G.

oh and yes I forgot... BRUSH hair when NOT WET but twice daily with head facing down as it will circulate the blood flow on the scalp and over brushing the hair damages the roots.

Oct 11, 2012

Lerina A.

Coconut oil 1x/week as a deep conditioner (must be unrefined, extra virgin). Prenatal vitamins. Drinking 1tbsp organic apple cider vinegar 1x/day.