I Hate My Skin! :(


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Sep 8, 2013

Charlotte M.

So the thing is I dunno if its normal or not but I jave huge pores on my cheek area wheneveri put moisturizer after washing my face my pores just go back to being huge again and for example in the morning I leave the house with matte skin andd pores not visible at all at the end if the day the pores go crazy again I tried everythng ice , green tea , scrubs nothng fucking works its soo annoying and because of the large pores my skin breakouts so easiilly
help! :((((

Sep 8, 2013

Shannon B.

Alright, let's start with how old are you?
I went through this stage in my life and what started to help me was getting a cleansing brush and use it on my face while I take a shower.

After a while I started cutting up lemons and putting the juice on my face and letting it dry and then washing my face in the shower with a cleansing brush. It's made big differences for me.

I've never used any moisturizer and maybe you should stop using it. Maybe it's making you skin oily. Also I would pay attention about what and how much makeup you use. Also look at the type of soap that you use.
Also I had a habit of touching my face that I never realized. So touching your face less also helps.
Hair can also be a cause. If the hair is oily it can cause the face to be oily.
If you want pictures for me to proved that it worked I would be happy to. :)

Sep 8, 2013

Shannon B.

Oh and don't hate your skin honey. It's something that can be solved.

Sep 9, 2013

Charlotte M.

Shaannon I'm 15 and do you use the clarisonic? in the morning and at night? and as for makeup I just use the garnier bb cream for oily combination skin and sometines I set with powder (bourjeois healthy mix) and how often did you use the lemon? anyway I think I'm going to stop using moisturizer then :) I hope you answer me please oh and megan thanks for the mask. don't wworry I understood hahaha I'm going to try it today!

Sep 9, 2013

Charlotte M.

Oh and even during winter you don't wear moisturizer?

Sep 10, 2013

Shannon B.

I use it in the morning. Depending on how your skin is you can do it everyday or every other day. I do it every other day.
I do it right before my showers which are in the morning but I'm sure it can be done at night also. It can be done anything really as long as you can wash your face after you let the lemon dry.
What's clarisonic exactly?