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Sep 10, 2013

Chelsea V.

Go to your doctor or a dermatoligist, they will give you a treatment which is best for you like they did for me.

Also I use Cetaphil for a facewash, its great for delicate skin or skin with acne.

Sep 10, 2013

Honey E.

Maybe try a face mask? :) I used the freemans avocado and oatmeal mask and my acne was almost completely gone the next day when I woke up

Sep 10, 2013

Mayra D.

Just remember to wash your face daily buy some type of cleaner (I like using clean and clear) and keep it in the shower so you won't forget to put it on and it will help prevent acne but you should go to a dermatologist.

Sep 10, 2013

Vita M.

I feel your pain. I had really bad breakouts in july and I used a product from herbalife called nourifusion which helped a lot. its a lil expensive tho but its a worth a try

Sep 10, 2013

Stephanie N.

I know how you feel! I used to have such bad acne and I tried heaps of things! All I know is benzoyl peroxide is really strong and I used that for a while but then I went to a dermatologist and they are definitely clearing up :) x

Sep 10, 2013

Sharon A.

Go to a dermatologist, mine gave me doxycycline, which cleared up my skin!

Sep 10, 2013

Alessia c.

Read the skin regimen on! it's pretty helpful. and benzoyl peroxide or tea tree oil are usually the most effective spot treatments. retinol can help too but I'd try either benzoyl peroxide or tea tree oil first.

Sep 10, 2013

Lorelle E.

I've been breaking out on my chin lately too! And when you break out around the chin it's hormonal if you're due in or on your period it seems to come out more I haven't found anything to stop these breakouts as the only way to do that would be to balance out your hormones! But try to not be stressed and drink lots of water

Sep 10, 2013

Alessia c.

Ir you have sensitive skin I would definitely dilute the tea tree oil since by itself it can be harsh and very drying for most skin types. I'm sure itll go down in a few days though.

Sep 10, 2013

Annabelle N.

Honey and cinnamon mask works well without overdrying and it's all natural :)

Sep 11, 2013

Kylie H.

I like clean and clear continuous control acne cleanser with my clarisonic. I would recommend seeing a dermatologist though