Waterpark Makeup Help?!?


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Jul 6, 2013

Sarah N.

What kind of makeup should I wear to the waterpark tomorrow?!?

Jenna C.

Jul 6, 2013

Jenna C.

None! maybe just curl your eyelashes. it'll change your whole face

Jul 6, 2013

Lauren T.

Check out Michelle phan's newest video!

Jul 6, 2013

Jareka B.

Water proof make up like eye liner and mascara.

Jul 6, 2013

Hannah B.

Waterproof bfown mascara (: naturally polishrd.

Jul 6, 2013

Rachel E.

Waterproof (obviously lol) bright eyeliner like blue, turquoise, or purple, etc. and just a little mascara.

Jul 6, 2013

Celeste A.

Just a bit of concealer or bb cream and waterproof mascara.

Jul 6, 2013

Claire H.

Just waterproof foundation concealer and maybe bronzer keep it natural

Jul 6, 2013

Isabella K.

Curl eyelashes
Cream blush
Waterpoof mascara