Too much body hair :(


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Jun 30, 2013

Fatima zahra Z.

One of my biggest issues is that I have quite a lot amount of hair all over my body,it is kinda thick on my arms and legs , I tried waxing and epilating, aside from the unbearable pain I have a very white-pale sensitive oily skin, so I get pimples and red spots everywhere,shaving makes it worse , it grows thicker and much more than it was before.because of this I can't wear bathingsuits,shorts or even t.shirts and tank tops,please help :(

Jun 30, 2013

Zahra M.

Awwee... Same! I have the same issue :(

Jun 30, 2013

Anika S.

I have that too nothing to change that :(

Jun 30, 2013

Angharad N.

same here :'(

Jun 30, 2013

Meg V.

Mabey try hair removal cream.

Jun 30, 2013

Sajeda M.

The only thing that probably make the hair grow thinner is laser treatments...I've tried it makes the hair grow slower and ligher...doesn't totally get rid of it though.

Jun 30, 2013

Katarina M.

I have it too, girls. I used to always wear jeans, long sleeve shirts, and sweaters everywhere. That's all, and I would NEVER EVER EVER take off my sweater.

When I was allowed to shave, I discovered that my legs were quite sensitive. But I researched and found that aloe Vera helps to make the redness, itchiness, and bumps go away. So what I do is wet my legs, rub aloe Vera all over them, use a fresh new men's razor, and slowly shaved upwards towards my face. Afterwards, I rinsed my legs, and without drying them I rub more aloe Vera on them. I let my legs airdry. I still get some redness here or there but it's not as bad as before.

For arms, I learned that the sun will "sun bleach" them. Have you ever heard a person say that their hair gets lighter during summer from the sun? Your arm hairs are no exception! :) It won't be instant, but if you let the sun on your arms in the future the hair won't be so dark and noticeable anymore.

I've learned that if I want to be able to wear what I want and not always be so hot from long sleeved clothing, I can't let what others might think bother me.
So what if my legs are a bit red & bumpy? I bet there's someone out there with something worse. Confidence is the key, girls!
If you're confident, ain't nobody going to care about your legs! :)
Now I wear bathing suits and can finally go swimming with my friends. I wear shorts & tank tops and I'm finally able to get a tan & not feel so sweaty from my jackets.
Let yourself shine through, ignore what others say. You're you and that's that. Nobody can tell you what's "pretty" and what's not.

Jun 30, 2013

Fatima zahra Z.

Oh thank you girls,after all I'm not the only one, and @katarini I'll definetly try that.

Jun 30, 2013

Eleana G.

I had the same issue on my arms until I started shaving. It's pretty easy and I feel more confident. You just have to shave everyday it you do decide to shave. But you aren't alone.

Jun 30, 2013

Savannah H.

Try at least lightening it first ,Jolene body bleach, I did this on my arms for awhile and you can get rx from your Dr that balances out testosterone and estrogen that helps minimize body hair.