How to stop being always hungry??


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Jun 7, 2013

Martina A.

This is my problem!

Jun 7, 2013

Ella C.

Well being hungry is natural but maybe when you are eat an apple or after eating do some exercise. You can not really stop your body from being hungry though.

Jun 7, 2013

Isabel W.

Drink water

Jun 7, 2013

Angie F.

Try drinking plenty if water, from what I've read you supposed to drink it before, during and after every meal..I know it's a lot but it's really good for you.

Jun 7, 2013

Emily W.

Ha, if you find out let me know! I'm a grazer for sure. ;)

Jun 7, 2013

Rachel L.

What Angie said! and I like to slowly cut down on food. If you cut yourself off completely in one day, it sets you up for failure. At least me anyway.

Jun 7, 2013

Martina A.

Yes girls I always drink a lot of water, but it happens that I am really hungry, expecially when I work or study.

Jun 7, 2013

Laura K.

Carbohydrate loading in the evening. Think about how people fast for Ramadan, not eating during the day, but after the sun goes down. I don't feel hungry at all during the day and figured out I was because I eat only one pretty large at night.

Jun 7, 2013

Savannah H.

20 minutes before a meal drink 12-16 ounces of water, try using chopsticks when you eat ANYTHING ( I do this a lot and it really helps!), eat small amounts 5-6 times a day if you're a grazer instead of a couple huge portions, when I have a sweet tooth I get out the honey and eat little amounts and I really want to try that new sensa shaker! has anyone?

Jun 7, 2013

Laura K.

Good advice @Savannah! And Sensa might work for some. But I thought it was too good to be true, bought it, used it, regretted it. Huge waste of money. (just my opinion, but to each their own!) :)

Jun 7, 2013

Martina A.

What do you mean @laura?

Jun 7, 2013

Laura K.

@Martina, I'm not sure, haha, but I only a generous sized meal at night, do not eat the next day until the late evening (when I get hungry). My boyfriend adopted this same habit, (which works for him and I because he never has time to eat). But everyone is different and eating habits take a little time to get used to.

Jun 7, 2013

Brianna M.

I think the sensa shakers are supposed to make you feel full even if you put a little on a small cookie that way you eat less. that's what I understand anyway I knew someone who used it but haven't talked to her in a long time so I don't know if it worked or not.

Jun 7, 2013

Ninoshka P.

@Martina : your probably emotional eater. you not hungry your just really bored or stress.

Jun 7, 2013

Sinéad K.

Eat little but often,like have about 8 small meals in the day snack on fruit and veg and lean meat and plenty of water.

Jun 7, 2013

Briana R.

Drinking water is great advice because when you're body is needing any type of nutrients your stomach can start growling and you'll think you're hungry when in reality, you could just be thirsty! So try drinking water first.
If you're still hungry you probably need to really eat something, but if you just ate a full meal, try brushing your teeth, it curves craving and in my opinion it really works. Try chewing on gum or having small snack like fruit, nuts (nuts have a lot of calories if you're watching that) or vegetables.
I personally don't agree with the "Many small meals" thing, it's kinda old now and people are realizing that's too much. It doesn't give you're digestive system the needed fasting time between meals that is nescessary for things to regulate. 3 meals a day with a snack should be great.

Jun 7, 2013

Aly A.

Drink a warm glass of water real quick.

Jun 7, 2013

Jacquie W.

Water and protein in between meals

Jun 7, 2013

Zoey A.

Lemon water reduces hunger!! <3.

Jun 7, 2013

Lara W.

Eat a large breakfast! a lot of people don't know or don't believe this, but breakfast is supposed to be your biggest meal. Carb load like crazy, and drink water. Also cayanne (ky-anne) I may have spelled it incorrectly, helps reduce hunger.

Jun 7, 2013

Ana P.

If you're a teenager its completely normal to being hungry all the time, I have this trick; I eat a free sugar (for diabetic people) mints eveytime I feel hungry or anxious when its not my food time, it reaaally helps

Jun 7, 2013

Kaitlyn S.

Everyone's advice is good, also I learned it's best to not eat after 5pm

Jun 8, 2013

Taylor J.

Drink plenty of water and have small healthy snacks

Jun 8, 2013

Diana T.

Eat more fiber and drink more water try fiber one snacks/cereal and drink a full glass of water with it - the fiber and water will expand in your stomach making you feel more full :) hope that helps!

Jun 8, 2013

Savannah H.

I knew Sensa sounded to good to be true :(