I don't have confidence.


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Jul 12, 2013

Sabrina O.

I don't know I'm only 16 and I have like pretty low self esteem and I am really insecure about a lot of things, any help? Suggestions?

Jul 12, 2013

Preeti P.

What do feel low about? you are very cute and pretty I can see that! :)

Jul 12, 2013

Arooj K.

Insecure about wht things Sabrina??

Jul 12, 2013

Sabrina O.

Everything pretty muchh

Jul 12, 2013

Saffron H.

Hmmmm.. I don't think you should be insecure, however I know everyone has their insecurities. Just know that you're extremely gorgeous. In my opinion anyways.

Jul 12, 2013

Sabrina O.

I am on dance team. Those 14 girls are the girls I'm closest too. It's not a social insecurity it's within myself and my appearance. I just don't like it at all

Jul 12, 2013

Arooj K.

Com on Sabrina your appearance is just so cute. You are so beautiful at which you should b always stay confidnt sweety. :)

Jul 12, 2013

Natalie Y.

Honestly you are gorgeous and I am not just saying that. I bet a lot of other people think that too. I personally hate my hair, it's thick and shoulder length so it's hard to straighten, curls look awkward, my braids look puny, and anytime I do buns or ponytails my hair just looks frizzy. But you know what, probably one of my least favorite features is one of my friend's favorite features on me. If maybe you don't like your skin, pick a really great foundation or try a new cleanser. If you don't like your eyes try wearing colored contacts or using eyeshadow that make your eyes look greener. You might end up liking the way you looked before you started changing your look. You can also try changing up your hairstyle or wearing something you usually wouldn't. Maybe that is all you need to lift your spirits. You can also write slips of paper the things you do like about yourself or inspirational quotes, and tape it up on the mirror as you get ready to prepare for the day. Anyways I want you to know it isn't just you who has their so-called "flaws". The prettiest girl you know may hate the feature you like most about her. Keep your head up girl, don't change yourself for anyone. :)

Jul 12, 2013

Naomi S.

You're a babydoll.! what's the problem?.
let me tell you something about life that you can take with you forever..

it doesn't matter..

now when I say that, what do I mean?. I mean exactly that. the stuff we think matters really doesn't. nobody is perfect. celebs that get all kinds of treatments and surgeries still have things they don't like about them selves.
the thing you need to do is find your purpose. and at 16 you definitely don't know what your purpose is yet, but an important part of accepting your looks is appreciating you are meant to be here, for a reason and you have great things to offer the world. little things like your hair is frizzy or you aren't wearing the popular shade of eyeshadow means nothing. know that you deserve respect, care, kindness. you deserve all the best things in life, and that means, you deserve your own appreciation first and foremost.
focus on the things you like about your appearance , and the things you don't won't matter.. ;-)

I'm double your age and I began to recently appreciate my apperance. I thought it would change. guess what. it didn't. my boobs never popped lol and I'm still a size 2. (ps, that wasn't a good thing when I was in high school. I rem ppl tellin me, ill b cute WHEN I finally gain some weight).. in my mid 20s I was loving my size two. I'm banging in my eyes. oh yeah! but guess what, I had a baby. and now I have to find a way to appreciate my battle scars that are result of giving life. yikes!. who's idea was this?. but you know what.. I'm back to my size two n get tons of compliments on how I look like I never had a kid. but I know otherwise, but its ok, cause no matter what, I deserve the best and that keeps me from becoming victim to some fake friend or guy that wants to misuse me.
maintain your self worth. make life long friends, have fun and enjoy being 16. because 36 is right around the corner. don't waste time focusing on things that don't matter.

Jul 12, 2013

Kiki P.

Listen to Naomi!! She knows what she's talking about.