Naked2 ebay scam


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May 17, 2013

Sophia L.

I ordered the pallet yesterday and earlier today I watched a YouTube video comparing a fake pallet to the real and I have a.feeling I'm going to get a fake one..what can I do to get my money back? Please help :(

May 17, 2013

Alexa A.

File a claim!! You have me worried because I ordered one too :(

May 17, 2013

Alexa A.

Look at the return policy too, some sellers accept returns.

May 17, 2013

Sophia L.

I'm freaking do I file a claim?? But who did you order yours from?

May 17, 2013

Erin M.

You would have to go through Paypal to file a claim. But check the listing for the item and see what it says about returns. Even if it says no you can go through Paypal and file a claim but wait until the item gets here and you see it in person. Just google 'how to file a Paypal claim'

May 17, 2013

Emily W.

You can also report the seller on EBay for selling counterfeit goods. If they are selling fake products they can face hefty fines or jail time depending on their location.

May 17, 2013

Sophia L.

Thank you girls , ill see how it is when it gets here..its coming from italy I'm in FL

May 17, 2013

Missy P.

I don't get it. Were you not aware that buying high end makeup from an unauthorized source is risky? It would have probably made more sense to do the research BEFORE buying, not after. If you purchased it from someone in China, you're not getting your money back. Personal experience.

May 18, 2013

Alexa A.

Mine is also coming from Italy! I just checked forgot the city, it started with an A.

May 18, 2013

Alexa A.

^^couldve done without those first two sentences, she's already stressed out

May 18, 2013

Sophia L.

The city mine is coming from starts with a B lol but Missy you can go somewhere with that..don't need negativity around here.

Jul 6, 2013

Sophia L.

I never got mine :( was soo ripped off