MAC or Estée Lauder.


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Jan 17, 2015

Ven S.

Which brand would you choose to represent at the Nordstrom counter and why?

Jan 17, 2015

Maegan V.

Mac I'm not really sure why I've just been using Their product for a while:)

Jan 17, 2015

Shelley W.

Estee Lauder for the fact that it covers a large demographic of clientele with a higher disposable income. The skincare is far more superior than MAC and EL offers free gift with purchase which brings in additional customers. If you're debating whether or not to work at any of these counters at Nordies they do not ban associates in cosmetics from cross-selling. If a customer asks for you to assist them in another department and or counter do not say no. I worked for the company a number of years ago and I sold things from just about every department except the restaurant.

Jan 17, 2015

Diana T.

I personally prefer Estée lauder.

Jan 17, 2015

Rosa A.

Estée Lauder. I'm very anti MAC

Jan 17, 2015

Ven S.

Thank you Shelley that's good to know I'll be able to cross sell. For the other ladies who chose EL, could you tell me why EL and not MAC?

Jan 17, 2015

Ven S.

Your reason made me laugh Maegan. Thank you.

Jan 17, 2015

Jack B.

I'd say EL for he same reasons Hailey gave about her preference for MAC. The majority of people shopping for makeup at Nordstrom won't be makeup artists but regular people who're looking for casual, everyday products.

Jan 17, 2015

Ven S.

I just saw your response Gen. Thank you both Jack. Good points. I'm still unsure. I'm leaning towards EL though just because they have more than just makeup.

Jan 17, 2015

Kathryn R.

Nordstrom could be totally different but when I checked into working at Mac at my local Dillard's they allowed cross selling with every brand except for Mac. I just guessed it was because of the training and the complaint knowledge the employees at Mac are supposed to have. Nordstrom obviously isn't Dillard's so I don't know but I imagine it would be Mac's rule. Anyway, I would choose Estée Lauder as a consumer and Mac as an employee. Only because of the additional training Mac provides the full time employees and the art side that can be learned there.

Jan 17, 2015

Kathryn R.

*company knowledge. Not complaint.

Jan 17, 2015

Shelley W.

Think about where you would be most happy...especially in the creative side. Also you have to look at counter managers as well...and who do feel will be the most supportive in regards to your short term/long term goals. Making the most $$$ in commission is great but it means nothing if you're miserable and don't stand behind the philosophy of the line or the products. Customers read into that vibe quickly and will be turned off which will only hurt your sales.

Jan 17, 2015

Jennifer M.

Estée Lauder. If you would have asked me a few years ago, I would have said Mac. That was before I had the opportunity to use products from a wider range of companies. Mac is really not that much better in my opinion, then drugstore cosmetics. They rely on gimmicky collections and a range of colors to maintain interest in the brand. Estée Lauder quality is higher and appeals to the average consumer looking for high quality cosmetics that are more neutral in style. As other commenters have said, their skincare line blows Mac out of the water.

Jan 17, 2015

F F.

Mac for makeup and Estée Lauder for skin care :)

Jan 17, 2015

Ven S.

Thank you for the sensible tips ladies. I'm leaning towards EL now. Even though they're related the lines are different. I do like that EL has skin care and I do believe older clients who actually have the money to spend and need to be educated somewhat about their products will shop for these.

Jan 17, 2015

Lala L.

I always wanted to try Estée Lauder but I love Mac lol

Jan 17, 2015

Diana T.

I like EL for the same reasons Shelley does for the skincare benefits and it's okay for application to more sensitive skincare needs like mine - where as MAC uses too many harmful chemicals that I am not a fan of and whenever I use their face products they break me out like crazy and I'm not about that life.

Jan 18, 2015

Isabella K.

Estee Lauder. Mac breaks a lot of people out and are known to treat their custumors terribly. And I don't think their products are AMAZING quality. They're just good.

Jan 20, 2015

Sandy M.


Jan 21, 2015

Eden C.


Jan 23, 2015

Ven S.

Thank you ladies.