Scar Remover Jazz?...


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Jan 7, 2015

Christin B.

I have one inch scars from surgery. I need some success stories on how you got rid of yours!!

Jan 7, 2015

Christin B.

Thank you so much!!

Jan 7, 2015

Rachel S.

I had surgery in june and I did start off rubbing oil on the scars when I got my dressings off but in the end I just stopped (too lazy haha). My scars are still at that faded purple stage and they're on my right kneecap but I've learnt to ignore them and no-one else seems to notice them either. But I think the only way you can really make them fade is constantly moisturising the area :)

Jan 8, 2015

Ness V.

I used bio oil.

Jan 8, 2015

Kat H.

I have three one inch scars on my stomach from surgery in September, I have been using medirma pm every night and sometimes just regular medirma when I wake up and my scars are healing beautifully!

Jan 9, 2015

Kat R.

I used to self harm really badly, and I had one on my leg that ended up being a keloid scar about an inch and a half long. I applied mederma twice a day for three months and saw 0 change, tried bio oil, same thing... but, I've been using the scar pads that you leave on for 12 hours a day, and I swear to you there is such a difference. the scar is still colored the same, but it's definitely flatter, even 11 hours after the last application. Because of them, I might be able to wear my bikini this summer for the first time in four years, and if that's not a success story I don't know what is!

Jan 9, 2015

Christin B.

Thank you for sharing kat! I'll take yalls advice =)

Jan 11, 2015

Pixie P.

Depends on how old is the scar? :)

Jan 12, 2015

Christin B.

Only like 10 months :(