My skin is horrible.


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Feb 23, 2015

Makayla M.

I've been struggling with off and on hormonal cystic acne the only thing that has some what helped lately is the clean & clear acne spot treatment 10% benzoyl peroxide I've have done everything for my skin and nothing will help me. Btw my face looks white because I have my benzoyl cream on
Sometimes I just wanna die..., Bc I hate waking up feeling ugly

Feb 23, 2015

M G.

I honestly think it time to see a doctor. sorry you have to go through this. For the redness try a tea tree toner.

Feb 23, 2015

Makayla M.

I have. They put me on antibiotics
And the creams barely work for me I was on epiduo and some day cre. Epiduo is just the same as my benzoyl cream I have now but half the price. It never gets better no matter what

Feb 23, 2015

Yaya B.

I'm sorry you feel that way but your such a pretty girl even with acne. it happens to most of us sooner or later...soo please don't think your ugly because of a lil acne that can be fixed easily.

Feb 23, 2015

J L.

If it's hormonal I don't think anything can help except a dermatologist. I'm sure they will try and find something that works out for you.

Feb 23, 2015

Yaya B.

Why don't you try to drink lots of water and eat healthy because something is causing it and you have to make changes from inside out... I too had bad acne around the time I had my kids but after soo many different things I tried this is what worked for me...:

Feb 23, 2015

M G.

Sometimes med and cream take awhile. Also sometimes itll get worsr before it gets better. If its been a couple of months tht you been on it and you feel its still not working talking with your doc agin.

Feb 23, 2015

M G.

Yes also your diet has so much to do with it. try drinkn lemon water and eating heathy, cut out dairy and chocolate

Feb 23, 2015

Yaya B.

I started using a gentle face wash called CETAPHIL (a esthetician recommended this to me) after you wash your face use a toner... preferably with witch hazel and then this twice a day and make sure you don't touch your face... a good toner is Olay with witch hazel and I combine it with AVENNO CLEAR COMPLEXION DAILY MOISTURIZER... if you follow these advice I'm pretty sure your skin will improve dramatically...

Feb 23, 2015

Yaya B.

This is what they look likex... face wash :

Feb 23, 2015

Yaya B.


Feb 23, 2015

Yaya B.

Moisturizer:... and btw the dermatologist didn't work for me either..

Feb 23, 2015

Gisell G.

Try going to a dermatologist instead of a doctor, I would also talk to jacqlyn on here about it, she had bad acne as well & her face is flawless now

Feb 23, 2015

Rissa G.

It doesn't define you so I don't really think you saying you want to die because of it is appropriate... Cheer up, buttercup.

Feb 23, 2015

Lara R.

Have you visited you gynecologist?? if it is related to hormones, maybe taking the pill may help you :)

And remember, you are much more than a little skin area :)

Feb 23, 2015

Sarah M.

Please read my friends story

her solution is healthy eating, which is very tough but if you would really like to make your skin better, consider it

Feb 23, 2015


Makayla -
I read your post and I swear it was like reading something from a younger me. I completely understand how you feel. At one point, I walked into a derms office and wondered if they could just peel my face off and start over. I understand waking up and feeling ugly.

You're not though, and I'm certain your hear that all the time and part of you is sick of that too. I use to think people were just being nice.

You are beautiful.

When it comes to cystic hormonal acne it's difficult. I was in a similar position, I had been on creams and pills and washes... To the point where my skin was simply raw.

I currently do the oil cleansing method, tone with witch hazel and moisturize with argan oil. I also do peels and have been getting laser for scarring. This system worked for me and I'm suggesting it to you, because I wish someone had told me about it long before I read about it.

I don't know if the oil cleansing method will work for you, but it may. I discovered that less on my face was really the key.

Your hormones should balance out with time.

Try the OCM, peels, a derm.

Just remember when you wake up in the morning that this is only a moment with you skin and it will get better. It just takes time and the right routine.

Remember, you're beautiful 😘

Feb 23, 2015

Isabel J.

I struggle with acne too and I understand how difficult it is to feel good about yourself in your own skin. Go see your dermatologist again, if one thing doesn't work that doesn't mean everything won't work! Stick to a certain routine and don't give up just because you don't see results immediately. Stick to it for a couple of months.!

Feb 23, 2015

Maggie F.

I started taking spironolactone for hormonal cystic acne. My face would look great a few weeks of the month and have like 5-6 big breakouts at other times. You might want to see a dermatologist and look into this. My dermatologist even said prescription topical stuff doesn't help this acne bc it's so deep, I still use benzoyl peroxide too though. It's been one month and a month ago my face had gone completely crazy, it looked awful. Now I don't have any so far! I also got a chemical peel and that helps too. Good luck!

Feb 23, 2015

Traci L.

You do have cystic acne , you really need to use Salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide together one to clear the pore walls one to fight surface bacteria, and go to a dermatologist if you can , if not try La roche posay effaclar it has both salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide combined