Help! need a big change to how I look.


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Feb 26, 2013

Sammi G.

I am incredibly bored of my hair style and makeup and ideas..?

Feb 26, 2013

Sammi G.

new makeup ideas*

Feb 26, 2013

Rebecca R.

Depending on how much you like to wear you could try this, more colour or less! :)

Feb 26, 2013

Halen T.

I love your hair! Trade lol

Feb 26, 2013

Halen T.


Feb 26, 2013

Yolanda R.

Maybe winging your eyeliner & using a bit on the waterline. Try a bolder shade of lipstick, like red!

& for your hair, you should make your side part a bit less dramatic & Try curling it (:

Feb 26, 2013

Sophie A.

Your so beautiful.. More color on your Blush. Wing out your liner!

Feb 27, 2013

Roxy B.

I agree with yalanda r. maybe some highlights!

Feb 27, 2013

Julia T.

I honestly love your hair...I wish my bangs had that much volume! don't change the cut b maybe look into ombre or highlights...your makeup is nice too just maybe go for a mor dramatic eyeliner and lash's.

Feb 27, 2013

Macayla marie C.

I think you could pull of a middle part really well and as for makeup, you honestly look really nice now, but you could try contouring if you like :)

Feb 27, 2013

Kaelyn C.

I would elongate your eyebrows forward a little on both sides with a pencil of the same shade, and try cat eyelner with a fair sized flip at the outer ends :) for your hair I would get your bangs cut, get it layered and dye it a similar colour a shade or two darker thats a bit richer and redder :)

Feb 27, 2013

Shall S.

Oversized cat-eye :3.

Feb 27, 2013

Ashley M.

Oh youre so pretty! luckily a lot of things would look good on you I would do a little bit of winged liquid liner lots of mascara and a bold red lip. Hair wise maybe try a center part with big voluminous curls.

Feb 27, 2013

Ashley M.

Oh youre so pretty! luckily a lot of things would look good on you I would do a little bit of winged liquid liner lots of mascara and a bold red lip. Hair wise maybe try a center part with big voluminous curls.

Feb 27, 2013

Ashley M.

Oh youre so pretty! luckily a lot of things would look good on you I would do a little bit of winged liquid liner lots of mascara and a bold red lip. Hair wise maybe try a center part with big voluminous curls.

Feb 27, 2013

Ashley M.

Oops I'm sorry I don't know why it posted 3 times I'm new to this app!

Feb 27, 2013

Chelsea L.

I love the cut of your hair! Go blonde! I think it'd look so good!

Feb 28, 2013

Maddy R.

I agree ^^! Go blonde, best decision I ever made. It would look GORGEOUS with your skin tone!!