Nail biting. Help


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Feb 2, 2013

Lillie M.

I'n birung my nails way too much. My polish never stays on, cause i bite it off. :/ My nails are too short for good nail art now. How to stop biring my nails??

Feb 3, 2013

Maddy S.

Always have nail polish on ur nails! First u won't want to bite off ur pretty manicure and second it doesn't taste the best!

Feb 3, 2013

Kiara A.

I used to bite my nails all the time until I started getting them done. One because I paid for em and two because they look so good! 

Feb 3, 2013

Lillie M.

Thanks girls. I tried the stuff that tastes bad, but it didnt help. I did my nails and that really does work!Tho i do bite my nails a little it did help. :)

Feb 4, 2013

Alicia M.

I tried the bad tasting stuff, but I just bit them anyway and then complained they taste bad! I just wear nail polish and I dont bite them - I change it every week and it works for me :)

Feb 4, 2013

Bekii L.

I tried everything and it never worked except just recently putting cheap plastic glue on false nails on it just means you can't get at them but it's cheap to keep up until you have long enough ones to do something with :) xxx

Feb 4, 2013

Maisie M.

dont worry i do it all the time 

Feb 4, 2013

Hannah xx H.

I just have to keep my nails painted! 

Feb 5, 2013

Caitlin W.

Honestly, biting my nails was my worst habit i would do it all the time. I started getting mad because i couldn't paint them. I stopped biting them for a little while and once i saw how good they looked long and painted i haven't bitten them since because they're so pretty now! Haha

Feb 5, 2013

Fashion A.

Gel nail! 

Feb 5, 2013

Mihaela T.

You can control yourself, because you are a human capable of thinking! If you don't like it, put your mind to work and make it stop. There is no "magical" cure for it.

Feb 5, 2013

Mihaela T.

Except fake nails, you can't bite them.

Feb 6, 2013

Rebecca M.

I used to bite my nails until it brought on serious medical issues (ie biting to the quick and cracking my nail bases.) I actually started keeping a piece of hard candy like butterscotches or those old airheads (you know the ones that are super hard to find, but that could just be me) but I found having something else to bite on ( that actually had a sweet flavor)helped me focus, and now my nails are well maintained. (In fact right now I'm biting a green apple candy disk.)

Feb 10, 2013

Erin C.

Sit on yr hands when you feel like biting them. Also, every week, bite all but one nail. Get it? So on week one, bite 9 nails but not your pinky. On week 2 bite 8 nails but not your pinky and ring finger nail. Do this for 10 weeks.

Feb 13, 2013

Lolli S.

Get fake nails chew gum.

Feb 13, 2013

Lolli S.

Get fake nails chew gum.

Feb 13, 2013

Lolli S.

Get fake nails chew gum.

Feb 13, 2013

Kendyl W.

I used to be really bad about biting my nails. All my life I had had short nails and had never painted them before. When I started getting acrylic nails I'd stop, then eventually bite the acrylics off... What I ended up doing was keeping the acrylics, but also doing my nails every day or two with a new pretty design that kept my interest and didn't make me want to bite them off... It was the hardest thing to overcome, but now that I stopped I have pretty nails all the time and it's much easier to control myself! Hope you work it out (:

Feb 13, 2013

Lindsay W.

I used to bite my nails all the time. I always kept nail polish on them even if it was just clear. I tried the no bite nail polish but that didn't work. Chewing gym helped me a lot. With something in your mouth you're not going to want to bite your nails.

Always have nail polish on your nails. You won't want to damage your manicure.

Feb 13, 2013

Claire W.

Constantly paint them I had the same problem so I tried nail art. It looks so good that I didn't wanna ruin it. Try it. By the time you get really good at it you will completely stop biting your nails.

Feb 13, 2013

Brooklynn D.

I bit my nails to and this year I desired to stop and its been hard but now my nails are longer and I use a nail growth polish or I but Hand sanitizer on because the taste is gross