peppy g.'s (peppersasen) Articles Liked | Page 9
Product Trends
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Emergency Skin Care Solutions for the Office
Who wants to battle an emergency skin situation at work without some skin savers at the ready? Keep these five essentials at your desk and never battle bad skin at the office again!
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TSA-Approved Beauty Products
Here are the best travel-friendly beauty products to bring with you on vacation.
A Makeup Artist’s Travel Beauty Checklist
Packing for vacation is tough, but deciding which beauty products to take and how to store them? That’s even harder! Top makeup artist Susie Sobol shares which makeup and skin care products she can’t travel without.
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Wonderland: The Story Behind Beauty’s Fairy Tale Portraits
After three years of shooting, Kirsty Mitchell’s “Wonderland” photo series is one of the most stunning beauty stories we’ve ever come across. Keep reading to hear about the makeup inspiration from hair and makeup artist on set, Elbie van Eeden.
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Your Guide to an Anti-Aging Lifestyle
Did you know that there are ways to prevent lines and wrinkles other than expensive creams and laser treatments? Keep reading for five easy (and inexpensive!) ideas to stop time in its tracks.
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Cosmetic Cosmos: NASA’s Surprising Contributions to Beauty
Many think the world of space exploration and technology doesn’t affect them, but NASA’s role in the hair and skin care industries is bigger than you think! Read on to discover NASA’s contribution to the world of beauty.
The Breakout Game Plan
If you’re a product guinea pig and your skin is ultra-irritated from product overload, keep reading for tips on how to get your skin back to normal.
Content Creation
- 661
Lighting Tips to Make Your Makeup Shine
Ever tried to take a photo of your makeup with poor lighting? It’s near impossible to accurately showcase your look. Read up on the basics of beauty lighting so you’ll never be in the dark again.
Product Trends
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Your Lip Personality Revealed!
Everyone has a go-to beauty product, and when it comes to your lip look, the decision gets a whole lot more personal. Click through to find out what kind of lip product your personality is destined for.
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Crayola Colors for Your Nails!
Who said you have to grow up? With Crayola’s new mini nail polish sets, you can relive your favorite childhood pastime on your fingertips.