Mary Kay Cosmetics

TimeWise Night Solution

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Gerri B.
More than i expected

I applied this product one night before bed, it felt light and spread easily. The next morning i put on the usual makeup and went to work without giving night solution another thought until not one, but 2 women i work with told me that my make-up looked really pretty and that i looked younger (swear!) too. The only difference in my routine was the night solution. Im sold. These women had no way of knowing i had used anything but wanted to know why i looked so fresh faced that day. Immediate results, thats what i like.

Hannah M.
Not Bad

I personally wouldn't buy this again because it made my skin slightly sticky and didn't really do much. The bottle is kinda small, this doesn't make my skin soft, or glowy.

Lani W.

Got to try some of this! WANT! Its fabulous! I could instantly feel a difference. Def worth trying. I think its a big fav around here for those of us who are in the age range to use anti aging products.

Myrna P.

I use to sell Mary Kay and this I will stick to always. I have other products I use, but I will always buy this. I feel like it helps and it tightens my least that is what I feel it is doing :)

Shamink C.

this product really doesnt do anything for me. it doest soften mouisturize brighten nothing. seemed like an extra way to pull money out of my pocket. i will use it til its gone since im still paying off my mary kay lady (58 a month for all the stuff i got). wont buy it agian tho

Asia T.

As a consultant, i try my best to try everything so if someone inquires about a product, i can give them my honest opinion. at first, i didn't like the night solution. all it seemed to do was tighten my skin. i have decent skin and i was trying to figure out what else it does. time came, when i had a pimple. it was red, inflammed, and it hurt! i went through my nightly routine of applying the night solution after i washed my face with the 3 n 1 cleanser. the next morning, i noticed that the pimple had reduced in size and swelling, and it didn't hurt as much! i was amazed! i guess that's b/c of the vitamin c and peptides in it. i will not go to sleep without this product! you can go to to view this product.

Mia A.

Night solutions are fantastic... this one is BEYOND fantastic! I've honestly used it on everything from pimples to mosquito bites to diaper rash & it clears it up QUICK! Apply to clean skin before bed & sleep away the problem! I've put it on cuts & it sped up healing time. After weeks of a horrible diaper rash that we tried everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING the doctor gave us, I put a thin layer on the lil miss' behind & that rash eased up over night & was gone within 3 days!! I keep a bottle in my purse for touchups throughout the day & would recommend it to anyone :)