Benefit Cosmetics

Benetint Pocket Pal

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Jaime C.
Mixed feelings!!!

Straight up: love it and hate it. Let me explain: The benetint is a great color and easy to layer, but the applicator brush is really annoying. The gloss is a good shine, but goopy, and the applicator doesn't pick up enough on it's way out of the tube, so I have to put on extra layers for a decent shine. I carry the wand in my purse now and then, but more as a security thing and less as a "I'm-going-to-re-apply-later" thing. Might be repurchasing… I just don't know!

Katie W.
BLEHHH, red inside your purse!

I should buy stock in Benefit based on my purchases. BUT this one is a total "miss" for me. I like Benetint for it's cheek-stain loveliness. But the lovely red liquid isn't well contained by the duo stick. No matter how much I'd twist it shut, it'd leak in my purse. Also: the lip gloss is icky-sticky-gloopy-glue. I carried it for 3 days. Used it twice. Had to throw the purse AND the Benetint Pocket pal away. And then wiped the gloopy-gloss off my face .... WAHH!!! I love Benefit, but this sucks :(