Venom Bites 🐍


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Jul 24, 2014

Alyssa B.

I didn't know what category to put this in but what are your thoughts on this piercing? (It's not mine btw I'm thinking of getting one though)

Jul 24, 2014

Lauren G.

I like it more than a traditional tongue piercing, it's cute.

Jul 24, 2014

Rissa G.

I've always wanted them for the longest time but no one does them where I'm from 😭😭😭

Jul 24, 2014

Shaye M.

I've actually been thinking of taking my tongue piercing out and getting these instead, I think you should go for it! I actually enjoyed learning to eat again when I got my tongue done lol :)

Jul 24, 2014

Kendra H.

I think they look really cool and that anyone can pull them off!

Jul 24, 2014

Kimberley T.

It really depends on your anatomy, a lot of people can't get them because of the vein placement in their tongue. I really loved my tongue piercing but make sure you don't really have to do anything for three weeks as you can really mess fresh tongue piercings up by talking too much/eating solid food.

Jul 24, 2014

Jessie B.

I think they're cuter than regular tongue piercings

Jul 24, 2014

Kat A.

I never liked tongue piercings, but that one is really freaking cute.

Jul 24, 2014

Regan N.

I adore that!

Jul 24, 2014

Ursa M.

@Kat_A, I know right?!?!

Jul 25, 2014

Caitriona H.

I love them and wish I didn't get a normal tongue piercing :/ kimberley is correct about veins, lift up your tongue and see where your veins are.
I would get them though. So pretty.