Athletic Banquet Dress And Makeup.


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May 10, 2014

Bonnie W.

Ill be attending a banquet and I have to idea what to do for makeup. the problem is I don't have a dress either. how formal is a banquet? dress ideas would be amazing and if possible photos too. thanks in advance xx

May 10, 2014

Jennifer G.

When I had my sports banquet in school I would wear just a nice dress and some gladiator / strappy sandals with maybe a cardigan depending on the dress. I don't think it's really THAT formal but you wanna look nice. I know we were told we had to wear a dress or a skirt or dress pants. Like I would wear something like this dress

May 10, 2014

Jennifer G.

Or something kinda like this!

May 10, 2014

Jennifer G.

And me personally I would make my hair look nice and pretty like curl it, and then for makeup I would go more neutral like an eye like this

May 10, 2014

Andreina C.

It depends. If it's for hs or middle school if it's middle school, What Jennifer G. said, if it's for hs. Something like this..

May 10, 2014

Andreina C.


May 10, 2014

Jennifer G.

Yeah it definitely depends if you're in high school or middle school lol. I'm sure the dress code still applies so just make sure you keep that in mind! :)

May 11, 2014

Stephanie S.

Hmm I just wore jeans and my basketball sweatshirt to my banquets lol..I didn't think they were a fancy occasion, but maybe that was just my school.

May 13, 2014

Bonnie W.

Okay thanks a ton! I'm in high school aha.