How to draw your Cupid's bow for lips?


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Jan 31, 2016

Shengmin L.

So I'm trying to define my lips. I hardly ever wear lip liner or lipstick but I decided to give it a go for my first time. Anyways I suck and this is how it looks like. I can't seem to make my upper lip shapely lol. Like I want that whole cuspids bow on my top lip but I feel like my lips don't naturally have that lol.

Jan 31, 2016

Paulette C.

You could try lining an 'x' on the center of the top lip with a lip liner following what would be your natural cupids shape or change it a little bit to give it shape always keeping in mind to not overline at the sides of the lips as much as on the center. :)

Jan 31, 2016

Merna M.

Try this:)

Feb 1, 2016

Shengmin L.

Thanks ladies!!(:

Feb 2, 2016

Hannah K.

I feel you, my cupids bow really isn't there! I do the X trick and it really does help!