Semi Precious Mineralize Skinfinish

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Skyler S.
i use it more as a highlight

Upon purchasing this, I didn't realize that they had given us significantly less product in this LE collection than what is in the permanent MSFs. Despite that, I'm so pleased with this product, and I'm glad I chose this as my very first MSF. The outer rim is a light champagne beige (pretty basic, universal color highlight), and the center portion is a veining of a reddish plum-burgundy swirled with golden bronze, with a few spots of off-white here and there just to lighten it up a bit. I've only used the inner part a couple times, and when I first swirled my brush in there and dusted it on my cheeks, I was like 'WOWZA!' It's surprisingly super duper pigmented for an MSF, so light-skinned ladies, only use a light touch of the brush, and that would be enough for one cheek. On my fair skin, it actually turns out to be a reddish-coppery bronze, which doesn't sound too flattering, but it actually blends out to look very nice, and not patchy looking whatsoever. I think this could also make for a very nice eyeshadow as well.

Mineralize Skinfinishes have a reputation. For being complete glitter bombs, that is. I cannot tolerate glitter anywhere other than on my eyes, so I was completely tickled to find out that this MSF is not glittery! I love the finish of the champagne, and once on my skin, it doesn't look like I'm wearing an obvious highlight. I actually feel comfortable dusting this on my nose and cupid's bow! There are no craters on the surface of this product like there are on others, which are usually infested with that chunky glitter. I give this a 4 instead of 5, because I feel like I use the highlight enough, but not the center veining. It can be a little hard to work with, due to the color and my fair cool toned skin, and I feel like a product has to be at least close to HG status to deserve that 5 star rating.

Gemma T.

I use this most of the time I love the colour and can use it for blusher too. It is shimmer but doesn't show that much off. I think I would try other ones too but this is lovely

Chamar L.
Is this really worth the money?

The answer to my question above?......absofreakinlutely! I never considered myself a makeup snob that had to stick with only one brand, and MAC just seemed so freakin overdone, however, I saw Rose Quartz and absolutely LOVED it, when I bought it I fell in love with it even more! it gave me a perfect was of glowy color (used with the right brush, the one I love to use with these particular skinfinish is my MAC 116 it allows someone thats heavy handed with blush like myself to pick up just the right amount and build if need be) and I also use the outer ring of pink for eyeshadow at times.

Veronica B.
Photo of product included with review by Veronica B.

I didn't like any of the other MSF's that came out in this line. They all seemed to be too pinkish and I kind of wanted more of a gold shimmer. I'm so happy I bought pearl. It's great for highlighting my cheeks and brow bone!

Holly H.
rose quartz is beautiful!

i have rose quartz and pearl ... i think i'm going to return pearl because i feel like i won't use it as much since its more of a highlight than a blush or bronzer. but the rose quartz is gorgeous! gives your checks a fantastic rosy glow/pink dewey look or at least it does on my skin tone. only negative, l(ike every other mineralized skin finish) gotta watch that you aren't too heavy handed so your checks don't look too shiny and the price kind of sucks. even though i know its mac and i realize before check out its expensive, 28.50 is still a lot to spend on a highlight or blush.

i do find that if you want to use just the outside ring or just the middle this product can be a little tideous because you need a small brush and then the application takes longer.

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